By Journal on June 9, 2017
Aneta Amsa, Earlie Watley, Evelyn Konou, Marshall Islands High School, MIHS, Peace Corps, Wilbur Heine
Feature Articles

Marshall Islands High School (MIHS) and Ministry of Education’s Public School System honored Earlie Watley for 51 years of service last Friday during the MIHS graduation. PSS Commissioner Evelyn Konou stated during the ceremony that Watley taught over 12,000 students in his career. Watley is going into retirement. A record 207 MIHS seniors graduated at […]
By Journal on June 8, 2017
Eugene Muller, Koo's, MIMRA, PNA
News Archive

A Koo’s fishing vessel was arrested late last month in Kiribati for a fishing violation that occurred in 2015 and is now being held until the Majuro-based company pays a $4 million fine — a development that surprised Koo’s, which said it settled the violation through the Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority (MIMRA). “We made […]
By Journal on June 8, 2017
David Alfred, Frederick Muller, I-Shou University, ICDF, Kaoshiung, Maynard Alfred, Moana Alfred
News Archive

David Alfred made history Saturday in Taiwan, becoming the first Marshall Islander to graduate from I-Shou University, School of Medicine for International Students in Kaoshiung with a degree in medicine. Alfred was the first RMI recipient of ROC government medical school scholarship through the International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) and is one of the […]
By Journal on June 8, 2017
Amatlain Kabua, David Kramer, Denise deBrum-Reiher, Filimon Manoni, John Silk, Mike Halferty, Oceans Conference, SDG14, Sherwood Tibon
News Archive

This week’s High-Level UN Ocean Conference at the UN Headquarters in New York City is seeing significant participation from the RMI in the main conference and multiple “side events.” The Ocean Conference, co-chaired by the governments of the Republic of Fiji and Sweden, supports the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14 (SDG14) that deals with […]
By Journal on June 2, 2017
James Matayoshi, Jerry Kramer, Mike Senko
Back In The Day

Journal 5/30/1975 P10 With the magic rectangle here, can the flag be far behind? Suddenly it’s not the same old Majuro. There has a been a dramatic change both in what people do and talk about. The most apparent change is noted on Sundays when a drive down the district center road uncovers crowd of […]
By Journal on June 2, 2017
Carl Ingram, Joe Lomae, Jordan Lomae, Kenneth Kedi, Legislative Counsel, Nitijela
Feature Articles

Nitijela Legislative Counsel Joe Lomae became the newest member of the RMI Bar following his swear-in ceremony presided over by Chief Justice Carl Ingram last month. The ceremony was witnessed by Lomae’s family, Nitijela Speaker Kenneth Kedi and Nitijela staff. “Now that you’ve sworn under oath, don’t ever leave us,” Kedi joked while congratulating Lomae. […]
By Journal on June 1, 2017
Hansen Kaisha, Jabro Private High School, Kenneth Kedi, Ladie Jack, Ramanty Chong Gum
News Archive

For Jabro Private High School seniors, the best way to learn what life will be like after graduation was to set out on an adventure outside their comfort zone of Ebeye. Led by chaperone and teacher Ramanty Chong Gum, the students flew to Majuro and met with diplomats and various high-level government officials. The students […]
By Journal on June 1, 2017
Doreen deBrum, Nito's Butterfly Foundation, Wilbur Heine
News Archive

The Marshall Islands Ministry of Health this week received a donation of 20 wheelchairs and eight IV stands from Nito’s Butterfly Foundation that will benefit pediatric patients at the Majuro and Ebeye hospitals. On behalf of the Ministry of Health, Acting Health Minister Wilbur Heine expressed heartfelt appreciation to Nito’s Butterfly Foundation for its generous […]
By Journal on June 1, 2017
Hiroshi Watanabe, Jabwor, Jaluit, John Kenja, Karen Stewart, Tibon Tibon Jr., Wilbur Heine
News Archive

Jaluit High School and the local government on Jabwor should be credited for executing a perfect graduation ceremony Tuesday. Minister of Education Wilbur Heine led a delegation of VIPs from Majuro for the event, among them were US Ambassador Karen Stewart, Japan’s Charge’d Affaires Hiroshi Watanabe and keynote speaker JHS Alumni Kinso Nimoto. Sixty-two students […]
By Journal on May 26, 2017
coconut, Jerry Kramer, tobolar
Back In The Day

Journal 5/23/1975 P11 Local company sets dividend at 30 percent There’s probably a first for the Marshalls: The Majuro Stevedore & Terminal Company at its first annual shareholders meeting announced a dividend of 30 percent of the value of the stock held by investors. The was some back and forth between attending stockholders on how […]