Red Cross gets new home

Red Cross gets new home

HILARY HOSIA The Marshall Islands Red Cross Society celebrated the opening of its official headquarters in Majuro last Friday. The new headquarters sits between the United Church of Christ and the Courthouse in Uliga. The MIRCS was initially housed at the Marshall Islands Resort since the government enacted the MIRCS Act in November of 2013. […]

EPA warns polluters

EPA warns polluters

RMI EPA General Manager Moriana Phillip warned would-be polluters of Majuro lagoon that EPA is focused on monitoring and enforcement of fines for polluters. In a social media post that included photos of EPA staff checking fishing-related vessels anchored in the lagoon and the lagoon generally, Phillip underlined the point that “EPA maintains presence in […]

Huge marine sanctuary established

Huge marine sanctuary established

The RMI’s first national marine sanctuary was officially established Tuesday evening at a signing ceremony at the International Conference Center. President Hilda C. Heine joined with Iroojlaplap Boklon Zackious, Minister of Natural Resources and Commerce Tony Muller, Utrok Nitijela Member Hiroshi Yamamura, and Utrok Mayor Tobin Kaiko in signing documents to establish the RMI’s first […]

Population explosion

Population explosion

Journal 1/19/1982 P7 Kendall: Marshall Islands fully capable of self-governmentActing President Wilfred Kendall told visiting US Congressmen of the Marshalls’ “hope for true self-government in the best ideals of your own people, and that means an early end to the United Nations Trusteeship over our islands.” Later, Kendall added: “We hope you will carry back […]

Boat safety effort ramps up

Boat safety effort ramps up

HILARY HOSIA Majuro Atoll Local Government is launching a mandatory maritime safety course for all small boats operating within Majuro lagoon and in and out of Majuro Atoll. Satisfactory completion of the safety course will result in the issuance of the boat’s license. Boats operating without a license will subjected to penalty by MALGov. The […]

Miss Pacific wraps happy RMI visit

Miss Pacific wraps happy RMI visit

HILARY HOSIA Miss Pacific Islands Moemoana Schwenke and her small entourage were serenaded with a night of entertainment filled with hugs and plates full of food on her last day in the Marshall Islands with a farewell in her honor at the Marshall Islands Resort last Friday. Miss Pacific said she was filled with immense […]

Decades old problem to get fix

Decades old problem to get fix

HILARY HOSIA A decades long problem for the Majuro Water and Sewer Company — and the 20,000 residents of Majuro Atoll — is about to be eliminated following the injection of $14.9 million in US funding to replace the sewer outfall located oceanside of the MWSC headquarters in Delap. News of the long-awaited dream was […]