By Journal on August 25, 2023
Alele Museum, Austronesian Forum, Brenda ALik, Chewy Lin, Icyang Parod, Solynn Naptino, Taiwan Council of Indigenous Peoples, Wisse Amram
News Archive

Icyang Parod, Minister of the Council of Indigenous Peoples, along with representatives from Austronesian Forum nations, visited the Alele Museum last week. This visit provided an opportunity to delve into the results of the Council’s contributions to the “Marshallese Language Revitalization Project.” The welcoming reception and guided tour were graciously conducted by Brenda Alik, Secretary […]
By Journal on August 24, 2023
Chewy Lin, Karen Earnshaw, Lloyd Owers, Marshall Islands Soccer Federation, Pranson Eliou
News Archive

KAREN EARNSHAW The Marshall Islands Soccer Federation has “huge ambitions” to be able to develop soccer in the RMI following the success of a series of soccer camps held recently at Delap Park. The federation’s guest soccer coach, Britain’s Lloyd Owers, told the Journal that “we now have huge ambitions to develop this further in […]
By Journal on August 24, 2023
Andy Choor, Ben Wakefield, Carmen G. Cantor, Claret Chong Gum, ELDP, Geralyn Delacruz, Graduate School USA, Jasmine Myazoe, Jason Aubuchon, KUAM News, Yetta Aliven
News Archive

Twenty-four leaders from across the Pacific islands marked their graduation from the Graduate School USA’s Executive Leadership Development Program on August 18 in Saipan. The diverse group of program participants represented the US-affiliated islands of American Samoa (4), the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands (5), Guam (3), the Federated States of Micronesia National Government […]
By Journal on August 24, 2023
308 WIN copper jacketed, AMC Search, Giff Johnson, Hilary Hosia, Russian-made bullets, Tula Cartridge, Wolf Tula Cartridge
Feature Articles

An unusual discovery was made earlier this month in Majuro: A bag loaded with high-caliber bullets. To be precise, the bag of bullets was found in the small boat channel by the bridge by people swimming in that location. It was turned over to Majuro Atoll Local Police for further investigation. The bag containing hundreds […]
By Journal on August 18, 2023
Deloitte, RMI passports for sale
Back In The Day

Journal 8/22/1986 P1 Chief Moisa a fugitive? As news an impending long-term contact renewal for Police Chief Jose Moisa circulated in the capital this week, the Journal has learned from high-level police sources in Mexico that Moisa is wanted in connection with the shooting of two police officers. RepMar Ministry of Justice officials, who are […]
By Journal on August 18, 2023
2023 Oceania Championship, Meinshu Peter Jiang, Micronesian games, Ricktak RJ Iban Jr., Waylon Muller
Feature Articles

Marshall Islands wrestlers went to the Oceania Championships in Australia 10 days ago and did what RMI wrestlers have a habit of doing in international competitions: They brought back medals. Both wrestlers — Meinshu Peter Jiang and Ricktak RJ Iban Jr. — were competing for RMI for the first time. But the two wrestlers held […]
By Journal on August 17, 2023
Alson Kelen, Anita Alik, Camille Alik, Camp Iakwe, Carol Simmons, Claire Warren, Eldon Alik, Esmé Howd, Irene Kemem, Jasmine Alik, Jitdam Kapeel, Justin Simmons, Kari Brych, Kate Gjerstad Howd, Kate Howd, Lucia Howd, Matt Howd, Nika Wase, Raymond Kemem, Saint John's University
News Archive

KAREN EARNSHAW Feeling slightly apprehensive of how the next few days would go, a family arrived at the graceful campus of Saint John’s University near Minneapolis, Minnesota, with their adopted 10-year-old Marshallese daughter. “They parked and were hardly even out of the car when the Dad turned around to see his daughter running off with […]
By Journal on August 17, 2023
Carmen Cantor, Gerald Zackios, Jessica Stone, Joe Biden, Joseph Yun, Kitlang kabua, Voice of America
News Archive

JESSICA STONE* Congress is reviewing a proposal from President Joe Biden to create new security guarantees for three Pacific Island states: the Marshall Islands, Micronesia and Palau. If Congress passes the Compacts of Free Association by September 30, they would provide billions of dollars of economic and security assistance for the nations and would deny […]
By Journal on August 17, 2023
Armando Franca, Cathleen Abon, Habna Abon, Jimua Abon, Lisbon, Pope Francis, Portugal, Wilmer Joel, World Youth Day
News Archive

WILMER JOEL A young Marshallese had an opportunity of a lifetime when she met the head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis. Jimua Abon was one of the few chosen youth to accompany the Pope to the vigil in Lisbon, Portugal, for the 37th World Youth Day. Every two to three years, the Pope hosts […]
By Journal on August 11, 2023
Back In The Day

Journal 8/15/1986 P1 More than ever before The Marshalls population boom is really showing up in the record number of elementary school students trying to get into a limited number of available spaces in high schools. While the number of students taking the high school entrance exam increased dramatically from 810 in 1985 to over […]