By Journal on January 25, 2019
Executive of the Year, Hilton Guam Resort and Spa, Jerry Kramer, Joey Crisostomo, Pacific Daily News
Back In The Day
Journal 1/22/1982 P1 First two generators arrive for new power plant The first two generator engines for the new power plant arrived January 22 on PM&O Lines’ Broadsword. Each generator weighs 53 tons, among the largest pieces of cargo ever carried on the ship. The final two engines will arrive on the next voyage of […]
By Journal on January 18, 2019
Bikini, Enewetak, Nitijela, nuclear weapons testing, Rongelap, thyroid tumors, Tom Kijiner
Back In The Day
Journal 1/19/1982 P6 Rep Seiberling hopes for Compact in ’83 US Representative John Seiberling told the welcoming crowd at the Majuro airport that 1982 is too early for completion of a Compact of Free Association. He added that he hoped the matter would be placed on the 1983 congressional agenda. Seiberling is chairman of the […]
By Journal on January 11, 2019
Bush Administration, Gerald Zackios, Jeff Bingaman, Marc Grossman, nuclear, nuclear petition, nuclear test, nuclear victims
Back In The Day
Journal 1/6/1982 P1 Majuro prepared but no waves Thousands of people left the capital early New Year’s morning, looking for shelter in Laura as wave threat warnings were being broadcast over radio station WSZO.
By Journal on January 4, 2019
Ben Graham, Georgetown University, women salary
Back In The Day
Journal 1/1/1982 P1 More spending, less singing Christmas and money; money and Christmas. There seems to be a correlation between the two. In the few days before Christmas, stores around the capital were crowded with shoppers, particularly at Robert Reimers store. People were buying like crazy. Taxies that normally make $15 or $20 a day […]
By Journal on December 28, 2018
adrift, Gilbertese, Japanese fishing boat, Kiribati, Little Makin, Susies Maru No. 8, Tetuai Bina
Back In The Day
December 30, 1983 P1 Peace Park under construction in Ajeltake Since last month, a construction project by Tokai Kogyo Co. Ltd. of Japan has been underway on the causeway just past Iaman’s Take Out at the beginning of Ajeltake. The project is construction of a Japanese Peace Park. P9 Gilbertese man adrift for 36 days […]
By Journal on December 21, 2018
Bingo, Jack Jorban
Back In The Day
Journal 12/25/1981 P1 Chances good for bridge channel grant from Japan Majuro, 22 Dec – Chances are good that Japan will provide a grant for construction of a bridge and channel on the south side of Majuro Atoll, according to Charles T. Domnick who heads the GovMar team talking with a Japan feasibility study team […]
By Journal on December 14, 2018
Air Marshall Islands, longliner, tuna
Back In The Day
Journal 12/17/1981 P1 $4 Billion Radiation victims sue laboratories: More than 4,000 Marshall Islanders have file a $4 billion suit against several nuclear science and weapons laboratories, claiming they were negligent in caring for the islanders during nuclear tests in the 1950s, according to a UPI story in the Pacific Daily News. The suit was […]
By Journal on December 7, 2018
Bikini, Bikini Atoll Dive Program, dive site, Jack Niedenthal
Back In The Day
Journal 12/11/1981 P1 Bank opens Monday The Marshall Islands First Commecial Bank, Ltd. will open its door Monday December 13, according to Clarence Tan, president. The 11:30am ceremony will be at the bank’s offices below the Hotel Majuro. The whole areas has been drastically cleaned up in the past few weeks. P3 Enna G brings […]
By Journal on November 30, 2018
canoe, Ujae, voyaging canoe, Waan Aelon Kein
Back In The Day
Journal 12/4/1981 P1 Domnick wins Maloelap Secretary of Public Works Charles Takao Domnick is unofficially Nitijela’s newest member by winning the Maloelap seat, formerly held by late Vice Speaker Namo Hermios. Domnick received the most votes with 2209. Lomes McKay has 106. Michael Konelios and Biram Stege each got 102 votes.
By Journal on November 23, 2018
People's Republic of China, visas
Back In The Day
Journal 11/27/1981 P1 Rice shortage ends The rice shortage is expected to end today with the arrival of PM&O’s Broadsword. The ship was delayed a week because it had been bunkered in Oakland with the wrong fuel. Meanwhile, businesses were down to selling accumulated broken rice bags. P1 Power returning to normal slowly After a […]