Back In The Day

Local VIPs use tax $$$

Local VIPs use tax $$$

Journal 3/20/1987 P3 ‘Loans’ not repaidMore members of the Majuro Atoll Local Government took the stand in court this week and confirmed that airport tax money was used as loans for MALGov members. P11 Canvasback catamaran providing services to Wotje, MaloelapLast week, the Catamaran belonging to the Canvasback organization called in at Majuro briefly before […]

WSZO goes international

WSZO goes international

Journal 3/13/1987 P6 New WSZO radio goes internationalLast Tuesday, WSZO radio dedicated its new station and equipment with a brief ceremony outside the refurbished building. President Amata Kabua, Interior and Outer Islands Minister Ruben Zackhras and representatives of the two Japanese companies which carried out the work all praised the project. “This is definitely a […]

Nitijela bans betel nut

Nitijela bans betel nut

Journal 2/27/1987 P7 RepMar-KALGov agree to Ebeye Public Works controlFollowing several months of talks, negotiators for the RMI and the Kwajalein Atoll Local Government have reached an agreement authorizing the national government’s public works department on Ebeye to be administered by KALGov. The agreement transfers all employees, assets, equipment and buildings to the control of […]

Majuro has water woes

Majuro has water woes

Journal 2/20/1987 P1 Ebeye soaks but Majuro suffersWater any time of the day on Ebeye? While Majuro is encountering strict water hours — despite heavy rains last week — Ebeye is getting water eight hours a day and will soon have water 24-hours a day. The opening February 9 of the new power and desalination […]

Mau sails in on Makali’i

Mau sails in on Makali’i

Journal 2/13/1987 P1 Eye fixerThe hospital’s new laser unit was checked by administrator Skip Cole and Health Secretary Marie Maddison. Donated by the Maui Rotary Club, the machine will benefit patients with hemorrhaging of the retina. P2 Doomsday machine: Man not the bombsDennis O’Rourke, an Australian filmmaker, objects to moral sloth. His documentary Half Life […]

More babies adopted out

More babies adopted out

Journal 2/6/1987 P1 Bikini return imminent?The Bikinians take their case for a US-funded cleanup of their atoll the US Congress in the near future, and will present American lawmakers with a detailed plan for the first step in the cleanup. Holmes and Narver has prepared a design plan for the construction of a base camp […]

Kelen on ship issues

Kelen on ship issues

Journal 1/30/1987 P11 Jack replaces RalphFormer Peace Corps Volunteer and Kili school teacher Jack Niedenthal has been appointed as acting liaison officer for the Kili/Bikini/Ejit local government. Mayor Tomaki Juda announced the appointment last week. He said that Niedenthal is very familiar with Bikini programs having lived and worked on Kili for the last three […]

Kwaj worth $30m to RMI

Kwaj worth $30m to RMI

Journal 1/23/1987 P1 Copra warsOuter islanders were solely disappointed by the recent government announcement that the price of copra during 1987 would be only eight cents per pound. On Ailinglaplap, copra producers had unanimously agreed to “strike” not selling a single bag of copra during the field trip ship service in early January when the […]

Do you know a “JERK”?

Do you know a “JERK”?

Journal 1/16/1987 P1 Casinos coming?A bill to legalize gambling for foreign visitors and certain Marshallese was introduced into the Nitijela last week and debated during a public hearing Monday. Introduced by President Amata Kabua, it would legalize “gaming houses,” giving authority to the Cabinet to license and control casinos in the Marshall Islands. P1 Peace […]

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