By Journal on November 2, 2023
Bikini, Bikini Atoll, Bikini money, Bikini suit, Jonathan Weisgall, Supreme Court
Back In The Day

Journal 11/7/1986P1 RepMar invests $150m fundThe $150 million nuclear claims fund was turned over to RepMar by the US government last week and deposited into an account with the Irving Trust Company over the weekend.P3 Palau voting againPalauans will vote by December 15 on a pact that would allow the United States to operate nuclear-propelled […]
By Journal on October 26, 2023
Almoana Takju, Camilla Lanki, Jeannety Gideon, Joanne Alex, Karen Karben, Lapaun Langinbelik, Marshall Islands High School, MIHS newspaper, Rantly Kattil, Troy Barker, Yolanda Lelet
Back In The Day

Journal 10/31/1986 P1 Waste dump for Erikub?An agreement was initialed last month that would make Erikub Atoll a storage and treatment center for hazardous industrial waste from the United States. On September 27, Wotje Senator Litokwa Tomeing and Western Pacific Waste Repositories Inc. President Dennis Capalia initiatled a document which would lease Erikub to the […]
By Journal on October 20, 2023
Alvin Jacklick, Christopher Loeak, Kessai Note, Litokwa Tomeing
Back In The Day

Journal 10/23/1987 P1 $18m connection for new phonesThe Marshalls has received approval for a multi-million dollar loan to install a modern communications system replacing the antiquated telephone system now in operation. The US Rural Utilities Service has approved a loan of $18.8 million to the National Telecommunication Authority for a new telephone systems, said Transportation […]
By Journal on October 12, 2023
Jurelang Zedkaia, Majuro Jail, Majuro Prison, Ronnie Elmaet, Tony deBrum
Back In The Day

Journal 10/16/1987 P4 No se, señorDan Wales’ neighbors are like the three monkeys that hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil. Over the weekend Dan’s fence disappeared. Eight sheets of roofing tin, that keep yeast walkers and gas sniffers from using his yard as a meeting place, just vanished in thin air. […]
By Journal on October 6, 2023
Robert Reimers
Back In The Day

Journal 10/9/1987 P1 Marshalls G-ManJohn Otto, Acting Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, announced on September 25 that the law enforcement officers of the 150th session were honored at a graduation ceremony at the FBI in Quantico, Virginia. Among the graduates was Wilson Lokeijak, Detective Lieutenant, Marshall Islands Police Department. P11 Privatization: Time for […]
By Journal on September 29, 2023
Jeljelat Ae, Micro Chief, Micro Palm, Ribuk Ae
Back In The Day

Journal 10/2/1987 P1 Budget FY1988 The newly passed budget for the RMI allocates $70,322,100 for expenditures during the period October 1-September 30 next year. P4 Diet bet to be set After two years of enjoying the fine Majuro eateries and beer halls, the fat guys are going to do it again. Diet is what they […]
By Journal on September 22, 2023
David Paul, Majuro Chamber of Commerce, Marshalls Energy Company
Back In The Day

Journal 9/25/1987 P3 Kwaj land case After 21 years, two complete trials, three appeals and a three-year interlude when the court clerks lost the file, the Trust Territory’s oldest law suit is finally at an end. Kwajalein landowner Handel Dribo, noted for having led several occupations of military land at the top secret Kwajalein Missile […]
By Journal on September 15, 2023
Back in the Day, Leg found, Paul Kim., PII
Back In The Day

Journal 9/18/1987 P1 Jailhouse rocks! One of the most colorful local spots on Majuro happens to be the jailhouse, and its potential as a tourist attraction should not be overlooked. We’ve had reporters down at the jail who were entertained to see nubile young girls on exhibition just off the main lobby. But reporters don’t […]
By Journal on September 8, 2023
Back In The Day

Journal 9/12/1986 P1 Cousteau to study Bikini and Enewetak Famed explorer and oceanographer Jacques-Yves Cousteau is coming to the Marshall Islands to study the impact of atomic bomb testing at Bikini and Enewetak atolls. As part of the second leg of a five-year study expedition aboard his 141-foot ship Calypso, Cousteau will travel to the […]
By Journal on September 1, 2023
Marshallese students, teachers or curriculum
Back In The Day

Journal 9/5/1986 P1 Teachers blamed for low grades As Marshallese students head back to school this week, the perennial question is being asked: Why are Marshallese students’ test scores still among the lowest in all of Micronesia? Does the problem center on the quality of teachers, as a number of education and curriculum officials argue? […]