By Journal on March 17, 2016
Alison Birchall, violence, WUTMI
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You might have noticed some brightly colored posters and stickers appearing around Majuro, broadcasting some confronting truths about violence against women and girls in the Marshall Islands. You will encounter these orange and purple posters and stickers in government and non-government offices, as well as some private businesses and public spaces throughout Majuro and outer […]
By Journal on March 17, 2016
flooding, Giff Johnson, king tide, waves
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GIFF JOHNSON King tides and storm surges combined to inundate low-lying areas in the Marshall Islands last week, tossing rocks and debris into roads, backyards and homes. No one was injured and damage was slight compared to flooding over the past two years. But repeated inundations over the past several years in the Marshall Islands […]
By Journal on March 11, 2016
David Kramer, Election, John Silk, Maynard Alfred, Nitijela, postal, Wilbur Heine
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Two pieces of legislation introduced to Nitijela would, if passed, amend the RMI election law to eliminate voting by postal ballots for Marshallese who live off-shore and determine leave of absence dates for RMI government employees who stand for election. Bill No. 6 focuses on restructuring the postal ballot section of the law so that […]
By Journal on March 11, 2016
Deborah Barker-Manase, International Court of Justice, nuclear, The Hague, Tony deBrum
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The Marshall Islands gained global headlines this week as the government’s cases against India, Pakistan and the United Kingdom were launched at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. In addition to Dutch attorney Phon van den Biesen representing the RMI government before the court, former Foreign Minister Tony deBrum spoke to the court, […]
By Journal on March 10, 2016
flooding, Giff Johnson, king tide
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GIFF JOHNSON Majuro was warned Tuesday by Guam weather officials to expect king tide flooding from Wednesday through Friday this week. The National Weather Service on Guam issued a “Special Weather Statement” Tuesday warning the combination of the highest tides of 2016 coupled with high winds from a storm that is brewing near Wake Island […]
By Journal on March 4, 2016
Hilda Heine, Micronesian Presidents' Summit, MPS, Palau, Peter Christian, Tommy Remengesau Jr.
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Palau opened the 16th Micronesian Presidents’ Summit (MPS) with President Tommy Remengesau Jr., President Peter Christian of the Federated States of Micronesia, and President Hilda Heine, of the Marshall Islands, gathered to discuss pressing issues including climate change, the island nations’ relationships with the United States, and fisheries. The one-day meeting was held at the […]
By Journal on March 3, 2016
Akiko Fujii, Alan Griffin, Catherine Phuon, Judge Stephen Pallaras, Kenneth Kedi, Mark Atterton, Nitijela
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The Nitijela held a five-day induction seminar last week that Speaker Kenneth Kedi said was “a platform” for Nitijela members to “contribute to the national dialog on key development issues and sustainable development for the Marshall Islands.” The program was co-sponsored by the Pacific Community, United Nations Development Program, UN Women’s Program, UN Human Rights, […]
By Journal on March 3, 2016
Hilda Heine, Jo-Jikum, nuclear, Operation Castle, REACH-MI
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The Marshall Islands is set to take action to revive its nuclear compensation claims with the US government and to seek global recognition of March 1 as an international day of remembrance for victims of nuclear testing programs. These were key points highlighted by President Hilda Heine at Tuesday’s Nuclear Survivors Remembrance Day event at […]
By Journal on February 26, 2016
Arlington Tibon, Ben Chutaro, Ben Graham, MIEPI
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The health group MIEPI was established in 2008 by “the Bens” — Ben Graham, Ben Chutaro — as a substance abuse prevention organization. Since then, MIEPI has taken on different projects with the Single State Agency, Kumit, United Nations Development Program, WUTMI, Ministries of Health and Education, and Youth to Youth in Health. As the […]
By Journal on February 26, 2016
JICA, Masahiro Tomino, Tetsuro Morita, Tomoko Kamochi
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HILARY HOSIA Last year, the Public School System adopted a revised math textbook created by a small contingent of Japan International Cooperation Agency volunteers in Majuro. Around the same time Majuro Atoll Waste Company gained new and sophisticated methods of consolidating waste, which includes a leachate treatment process similar to Japan’s. And, for a good […]