News Archive

Quick response to Zika

Quick response to Zika

HILARY HOSIA The Ministry of Health moved into emergency action mode after confirmation last Thursday that Majuro has its first case of the Zika virus. After verifying Zika confirmation with the Hawaii laboratory Thursday, in less than two hours a team was set up and dispatched to inspect the home and surrounding area where the […]

Solar to save RMI $$ millions

Solar to save RMI $$ millions

The new government is putting its weight behind a $20 million solar project to transform the energy situation of Ebeye and three outer islands. If it gains the anticipated donor support, the solar development will slash fuel costs now shouldered by the RMI government by several million dollars annually. “Building on great work done previously, […]

Education week debate champs

Education week debate champs

HILARY HOSIA Marshall Islands High School was pronounced the 2016 Education Week’ debate champions following a heated battle of wits with runner up Laura High School last Thursday at the International Conference Center in Delap. A seven all-women judge panel concluded that MIHS debaters Kina Jordan and Julius Edward held a stronger argument against their […]

BOMI to lose US bank link

BOMI to lose US bank link

GIFF JOHNSON The Bank of Marshall Islands — and the RMI in general — is facing the threat of losing all connections with US banks, links that allow thousands of individuals, businesses and government agencies to carry out routine financial transactions. This threat to BOMI and the RMI economy stems from enforcement by the US […]

$600,000 for copra makers

$600,000 for copra makers

GIFF JOHNSON Copra makers who have been waiting months for payment received some good news this week: The government released subsidy funding last week to Tobolar so it can clear off an estimated $300,000 backlog in payments due to copra makers. New R&D Minister Alfred Alfred, Jr. said the Cabinet worked with the Ministry of […]

ECC renovation moves forward

ECC renovation moves forward

By early March, RMI and US officials anticipate awarding a contract for repair work to begin at the ECC gym in Majuro. The contact will involve repairs to roof arch beams and stabilization of beams that cannot be repaired in place, according to US officials. The ECC work is being funded by the US. This means work […]

Hilda outlines her priorities

Hilda outlines her priorities

President Dr. Hilda Heine addressed the nation last week as Nitijela reconvened, emphasizing the need for government offices to improve services to the public and promising that a constitutional convention will be held in the near future. This was the new President’s first opportunity to speak in Nitijela since being sworn in the previous week. […]

Making water from air

Making water from air

A project to harvest fresh water using simple and affordable equipment was this month officially handed over to the grateful community of Ailuk Atoll, which regularly suffers from drought conditions. In March and April last year, Dustin Langidrik, the University of the South Pacific’s Climate Change project coordinator worked with British environment researchers Andrew Tweedie […]

Tony nominated for Nobel award

Tony nominated for Nobel award

Former RMI Foreign Minister Tony deBrum was nominated last week for the Nobel Peace Prize, considered one of the most prestigious global recognition awards. DeBrum and the RMI government’s legal team from the US law firm Keller Rohrback were nominated for the prize by Norway-based Colin Archer, Secretary General of the International Peace Bureau. The […]

School lunches launched

School lunches launched

ISAAC MARTY The $800,000 school lunch program that was budgeted by the RMI for fiscal year 2016 commenced late last month. Laura Elementary School, Rairok Elementary School, Majuro Middle School, and Marshall Islands High School (MIHS) were the first of 15 public schools (including kindergarten, elementary, high school, and special education) on Majuro to receive […]