By Journal on January 29, 2016
"The King and I", Andrew Garrod, Ilona Bito
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Children as young as five will star in the upcoming “The King and I” musical scheduled to hit the International Conference Center at the beginning of next month. Choreographer Ilona Bito, who flew in from New York City this week, is helping out at the afternoon rehearsals, which are in full throttle mode. Ilona started […]
By Journal on January 28, 2016
Casten Nemra, Dr. Hilda Heine, RMI President
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GIFF JOHNSON The ousting Tuesday of President Casten Nemra, only two weeks into his term as President, by a successful vote of no confidence, suggests family ties have trumped customary authority that once dominated Nitijela’s leadership lineup. Dr. Hilda Heine’s election Wednesday — with 24 out of 30 votes — is another unprecedented twist in […]
By Journal on January 22, 2016
Ebeye, Jefferson Bobo, US Coast Guard, US Navy
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Jefferson Bobo, a young man from the island of Ebeye, is thriving in his new career in the US Navy, which follows a couple years of working at the Ministry of Public Works after he became the first Marshall Islander to graduate from the US Coast Guard Academy, with a degree in engineering. After departing […]
By Journal on January 22, 2016
Baninnur Club, California, cmi, College of the Marshall Islands, Kiwanis Club, LaJolla, Winder Loeak
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Ten new bicycles, including helmets and rear flashing lights for the only bikers’ club on island, College of the Marshall Islands based Baninnur Club, were received from Do It Best last week. The items were purchased through a $2,000 grant funded by the Kiwanis Club of LaJolla, California. Baninnur Club co-founder Winder Loeak said there […]
By Journal on January 22, 2016
FFA, fish treaty, James Movick, Transform Aquorau, US State Department, Wez Norris, William Gibbons-Fly
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GIFF JOHNSON The US government officially announced it is pulling out of the US Pacific islands fisheries treaty, a move that will take effect in 12 months, according to the terms of the nearly 30-year old deal. The US State Department advised the Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) this past weekend that it had officially communicated […]
By Journal on January 21, 2016
Alfred Alfred Jr., Brenson Wase, Casten Nemra VONC, Isaac Marty, John Silk, Kalani Kaneko, Kenneth Kedi, Nitijela, Tony Muller, Wilbur Heine
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ISAAC MARTY The resumption of Nitijela’s 37th Constitutional Regular Session Monday was cut short due to the introduction of a Vote of No Confidence (VONC) motion presented by opposition senators. Ebon Senator John Silk introduced the motion. The VONC document was pre-filed last week Thursday, which prompted Speaker Kenneth Kedi to recall Nitijela to receive […]
By Journal on January 15, 2016
Andy Chiang, Isaac Marty, Leroij Atama Zedkaia Hospital, Tanner Smith, Zedhkeia Zedhkeia
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ISAAC MARTY Patients at Leroij Atama Zedkaia Memorial Hospital in Majuro are first to eat and benefit from the Majuro Agroforest Park (located at the hospital) that was officially opened last month. The park was developed through a partnership among Canvasback Wellness Center, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints’ LDS Charities, and Taiwan […]
By Journal on January 15, 2016
Casten Nemra, issues, Kenneth Kedi, Kessai Note, Nitijela
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New President Casten Nemra highlighted key issues facing the country, focusing on the need to improve services to the public during his inauguration speech following his swearing in ceremony with his Cabinet Monday at Nitijela. He also declared that his first overseas trip will be to Washington, DC, and noted that he has already requested […]
By Journal on January 15, 2016
Bruce Bilimon, Bruce Linghu, Hannah Zedkaia, Jurelang Zedkaia, Republic of China
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HILARY HOSIA Republic of China Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Bruce Linghu paid his respects to the family of late Senator/Iriojlaplap Jurelang Zedkaia in Ajeltake following his attendance Monday at President Casten Nemra’s inauguration. Linghu was Taiwan’s ambassador to the RMI from 2007 to 2010, a period that included the beginning of former President Zedkaia’s […]
By Journal on January 14, 2016
battle, Casten Nemra, Hilda Heine, Nitijela, struggle, Thomas Heine, Wilbur Heine
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GIFF JOHNSON Marshall Islands political leaders continue to astound and confound the nation as a leadership battle plays out in Nitijela. From last week’s election of the Speaker and Vice Speaker by one faction and the President by another, to Monday’s inauguration of a Cabinet with two key ministerial posts missing, political leaders continue their […]