News Archive

Modeling Laura flood affects

Modeling Laura flood affects

Projected coastal flooding can be recognized in a three-dimensional model of the Laura area that was officially handed over to the RMI government in late October, according to a release from the Pacific Community’s Geoscience, Energy and Maritime Division. The model shows the terrain on land as well as underwater and also shows the shape of […]

Navy band rocks Majuro

Navy band rocks Majuro

WILMER JOEL Several schools on Majuro were treated to a mini-concert by the US Navy Pacific Fleet band last week. The College of the Marshall Islands was the third school to be visited by the band. As the band kicked off the event with a dynamic opening, the CMI faculty, staff, and students went berserk. […]

PSS reinvents lunch program

PSS reinvents lunch program

The Public School System is switching gears in its hot lunch program with plans to open school cafeterias. Last week, Majuro Middle School opened the first public school cafeteria in Majuro and with it four new hires were added to the school’s workforce. Principal Alvin Saimon and school staff officially opened the cafeteria following a […]

Money talks with PNA

Money talks with PNA

Ways to expand the Marshall Islands and PNA members involvement in the multi-billion dollar tuna value chain was a key point of discussions during last week’s third Parties to the Nauru Agreement Leadership Summit. The meeting was held in Kiritimati Island, Kiribati. President David Kabua was among the heads of state participating along with Minister […]

Navy launches RMI services

Navy launches RMI services

The arrival of the hospital ship USNS Mercy in Majuro on Sunday signaled the start of a wide range of humanitarian and medical programs that are being conducted this week and next week in three locations. The visit by the Mercy is part of the ongoing United States Pacific Partnership program with the Marshall Islands […]

Promoting women in fisheries

Promoting women in fisheries

USAID funding supported the first ever Women Fishers’ Forum for 30 women from across the Marshall Islands earlier this month. This forum, known as Our Fish Our Future, conducted at the Marshall Islands Resort, provided a unique platform to recognize the efforts of fisherwomen, empower them, and foster gender equality within the fishing community. Led […]

Ballots on their way

Ballots on their way

HILARY HOSIAEligible Marshallese voters residing overseas will have the opportunity to cast their votes ahead of the November 20 National Election Day following the sending off of 1,135 postal ballots on Tuesday. Officials from the Electoral Office and Marshall Islands Postal Services have been working meticulously after hours at the International Conference Center since last […]

Clubs crank up at CMI

Clubs crank up at CMI

WILMER JOEL In conjunction with cultural week last month, the student government association hosted a club rush at the end of September on the CMI campus. SGA President Marlin Doulatram told the Journal that the event promotes community services that students and CMI have to offer. “The event promotes local businesses, fosters social interaction, and […]

Rhino beetle takes root

Rhino beetle takes root

After spotting and destroying one coconut rhinoceros beetle at Amata Kabua International Airport in September, RMI government authorities identified an infestation of these coconut-destroying beetles at Ļojemwā weto, Ajeltake — the area just past the PII rock crushing location. A team from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Commerce was dispatched to further investigate the […]

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