Putting together a graduation ceremony requires careful planning and preparation. Graduates and ushers at the College of the Marshall Islands gathered for the first graduation rehearsal last Friday.
Meyar Margaret Laukon, associate dean of equity and engagement, and Jason Sam, coordinator of fitness, recreation, and sports, oversaw the practice.
Each usher was assigned to a graduating group of different college majors; others were tasked with being flag bearers for the CMI and RMI flags and tending to VIPs and spectators.
Graduation is scheduled for May 30 at the CMI campus in Uliga.
In addition to CMI, schools all across the nation are entering graduation season. As they step onto the stage, graduates are set to receive their diplomas and degrees.
At the graduation ceremonies, one can anticipate leis, photos, and cheers. Below are the graduation schedules for secondary and post-secondary institutions.
- Marshall Islands High School, May 24
- Majuro Baptist Christian Academy, May 24
- Assumption High School, May 26
- Marshalls Christian High School, May 28
- Adult Basic Education program, May 28
- College of the Marshall Islands, May 30
- Majuro Cooperative School and Life Skill Academy, June 1
- Kwajalein Atoll High School, June 3
- Laura High School and Delap Seventh Day Adventist, June 5
- Jaluit High School, June 6
- Northern Islands High School, June 7
- Ennibur High School, June 10.