By Journal on November 1, 2019
ADB, Amata Kabua, Ataji Balos, Washington
Back In The Day

Journal 10/26/1982 P1 KAC says good news from Washington “We are very pleased to be home,” said Kwajalein Atoll Corporation Chairman Ataji Balos and KAC President Imada Kabua in a statement. “The news we bring with us, we believe, is good. For the past three weeks we have been in Washington, DC in meetings with […]
By Journal on January 17, 2019
ADB, Asian Development Bank, Carmela Locsin, Jack Chong Gum, Michael Trainor, Shahid Mahmoud
News Archive

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is funding an Energy Security Project which will boost energy security and clean energy in the Marshall Islands, mainly focused on the Marshalls Energy Company.
By Journal on June 9, 2017
ADB, Asian Development Bank, hardships, Pacific Human Development Report
Back In The Day

Journal 6/6/1975 P2 Hearing grievances The Trust Territory Personnel Board spent the past week on Majuro to review several grievance cases involving hospital personnel. After formal review sessions, the board was invited to question and answer in a session with the Marshall Islands Nurses Association. Board members on Majuro were: Boyd Mackenzie, former Distad and […]
By Journal on November 11, 2016
ADB, Chamber of Commerce, corruption, government corruption, RMI economy
Back In The Day

Journal 11/19/1976 P1 TT-wide law of sea conference underway Micronesian leaders convened the first territory-wide conference on Law of the Sea in Truk November 15. Elected and traditional leaders from the five districts and Kusaie began the historic meeting with briefings from members of the Micronesian delegation on Law of the Sea. The delegation, headed […]
By Journal on September 16, 2016
ADB, Asian Development Bank, Ebeye, fisheries, Henchi Balos
Back In The Day

Journal 9/19/1975 P1 Meet scheduled on Bikini resettlement Official Washington, understandably, is in a quandary and the reason is none other than the Bikini Resettlement Project. What with a report from the US Energy Resource and Development Administration stating that additional restrictions be observed by Bikinians if they elect to return to Bikini Island where […]
By Journal on July 28, 2016
ADB, Dr. Transform Aqorau, fisheries, fishery, PNA, VDS
News Archive

An Asian Development Bank report on Pacific island economies recognizes the Parties to the Nauru Agreement’s vessel day scheme (VDS) as “an outstanding global example of coastal states taking control of a fishery based on highly migratory stocks” that resulted in a more than tripling of revenue to PNA members from 2010 to 2014. But […]