By Journal on April 5, 2018
Enewetak, Moana Marine, reverse-osmosis, Tom Vance, Utrik
Feature Articles

The largest reverse osmosis (RO) water-making unit on an outer island in the RMI was successfully installed at the end of March on Enewetak Atoll. The new equipment, which is powered by solar and wind energy, can produce up to 5,600 gallons per day on RO units and 11 gallons per minute on water treatment, […]
By Journal on November 30, 2017
Enewetak, Honolulu-Star Bulletin, Lujor, nuclear cleanup, nuclear waste, radioactive, radioactive debris
Back In The Day

Journal 25, 1977 P1 US courts reject Kwajalein case Marshall Islanders will get no help from the US Supreme Court in their claim that the Navy took Roi-Namur Island, Kwajalein Atoll, from them without adequate payment for use in the Kwajalein Missile Range, Gannett News Service reports. The court October 3 declined to review a […]
By Journal on March 9, 2017
Bill Graham, Dr. Neal Palafox, Emlyn Hughes, Enewetak, Enja Enos, Glenn Alcalay, Hilary Hosia, John Silk, Karen Stewart, Kenneth Kedi, Meto Court, nuclear legacy conference, Nuclear Victims Remembrance Day, RMI, Tony ‘Ton-Ton’ deBrum Kattil, Tony deBrum, Trudy Peterson, Ujelang
News Archive

Following the traditional annual program commemorating Nuclear Victims Remembrance Day at the Meto Court area in front of the capitol building Wednesday morning, the RMI’s first ever nuclear legacy conference opened in the afternoon at the International Conference Center. The theme for the conference was “Charting a Journey Toward Justice.” After an invocation by the […]
By Journal on November 18, 2016
atomic blasts, Enewetak, Honolulu-Star Bulletin, Lujor, nuclear test site, nuclear weapons tests, Runit Island
Back In The Day

Journal 11/18/1977 P1 US courts reject Kwajalein case Marshall Islanders will get no help from the US Supreme Court in their claim that the Navy took Roi-Namur island from them without adequate payment for use in the Kwajalein Missile Range. The court declined to review a decision by the US Court of Claims, which found […]
By Journal on September 29, 2016
Bikini, bomb, Enewetak, Hans Behling, Nuclear Claims Tribunal, PCB
Back In The Day

Journal 10/1/1976 P1 Mink calls for end to Kwajalien apartheid July hearings of a US Congress Committee in the Marshall Islands have resulted in a strongly-worded demand for an end to discriminatory practices at Kwajalein Atoll. Letters signed by Phillip Burton (D-California), Patsy Mink (D-Hawaii) and Antonio Won Pat (D-Guam) to the Secretaries of the […]
By Journal on August 19, 2016
AMI, DOE, Enewetak, Jack Ading, Jackson Ading, John Silk, Karen Stewart, Mores Abraham
News Archive

An angry letter from Enewetak Iroij Mores Abraham that caused cancellation of a US government-chartered AMI flight Friday sparked a strongly worded protest from Enewetak elected leaders Monday this week. Abraham, who represents Enewetak on the Council of Iroij, wrote new US Ambassador Karen Stewart last Thursday that the Department of Energy “is conducting a […]