By Journal on April 19, 2024
Enewetak, Enewetak Atoll, Enviropo, Nuclear Claims Tribunal, nuclear cleanup
Back In The Day

Journal 4/17/1987 P3 Best in the westMajuro’s weather station men are the best in the west. The Pacific region director for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Richard Hagemeyer presented them with the “Surface Observatory of the Year” award at a ceremony last week at the Chief Secretary’s office. Hagemeyer presented a plaque to weather […]
By Journal on July 14, 2023
Bikini, Enewetak, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Nuclear Claims Tribunal, Phillip Muller, radiation, William Robison
Back In The Day

Journal 7/18/1986P3 Peace Corps promoting healthy islands The 20th anniversary of the Peace Corps in Micronesia is rolling around, and with it are coming some big changes in the program in the Marshalls. Since the day a new group of nine Peace Corps Volunteers stepped off an Air Mike flight last week, they have been […]
By Journal on May 26, 2023
Alex Bing, Bank of New York, Nuclear Claims Tribunal, Utrik Local Distribution Authority
Back In The Day

Journal 5/29/1987 P16 Unwelcome Saturday morning workout A heavy wind out of the east often results in a huge pile of garbage along the beaches in the Long Island area. In today’s modern world of plastics and petrochemical products, we have a new version of driftwood along Majuro beaches. I stepped out in front of […]
By Journal on October 14, 2022
Nuclear Claims Tribunal
Back In The Day

Journal 10/18/1985P6 Tabai defends pact with Russians The Kiribati-Soviet Union fishing deal “is becoming a non-issue” at home and for other Pacific island nations, said Kiribati President Ieremia Tabai during a brief stopover in Majuro last week. “The main concern I see (coming from other nations regarding the Russian fishing pact) is that we are […]
By Journal on October 28, 2021
Amata Radewagen, Casten Nemra, China aid, Compact negotiations, Ed Case, Jesus Garcia, Katie Porter, Matthew Moury, Melisa Laelan, Nikolao Pula, Nuclear Claims Tribunal, nuclear issues, Nydia Velazquez, Paul Gosar, Puerto Rico, Rhea Moss-Christian, Runit Dome, Springdale, Steve Womack
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON Three Marshall Islanders delivered clearly worded testimony to Rep. Katie Porter’s subcommittee seeking US Congressional action to ensure that the Marshall Islands nuclear test legacy is fully addressed by the US government.Despite a refusal to date by the US executive branch to agree to address the nuclear issue within the framework of Compact […]
By Journal on July 1, 2021
Alson Kelen, Ariana Tibon, Giff Johnson, Nuclear Claims Tribunal, Nuclear legacy
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSONThe low-lying Marshall Islands are consumed by climate change. Increasing ocean inundations from rising sea levels and the specter that this atoll nation could be underwater later this century has pushed Marshall Islands leaders and young people to the forefront of the global climate movement calling for action to curtail a problem they had […]
By Journal on May 4, 2018
Nuclear Claims Tribunal
Back In The Day

Journal 5/1/1981 P1 Japanese request nuclear waste storage The Japanese government approached the Marshalls government in early April about the possibility of using Bikini to store nuclear waste, according to Minister of Internal Affairs Wilfred Kendall. P1 Marshall Islands Alele Museum opens today After false starts and years of inactivity for one reason or another, […]
By Journal on September 29, 2016
Bikini, bomb, Enewetak, Hans Behling, Nuclear Claims Tribunal, PCB
Back In The Day

Journal 10/1/1976 P1 Mink calls for end to Kwajalien apartheid July hearings of a US Congress Committee in the Marshall Islands have resulted in a strongly-worded demand for an end to discriminatory practices at Kwajalein Atoll. Letters signed by Phillip Burton (D-California), Patsy Mink (D-Hawaii) and Antonio Won Pat (D-Guam) to the Secretaries of the […]
By Journal on September 23, 2016
Atomic Energy Commission, Bravo, fallout, H-bomb, Hans Behling, nuclear, Nuclear Claims Tribunal, Rongelap
Back In The Day

Journal 9/17/1976 P1 The foot in the door At the heart of the Marshalls’ separation movement is Amata Kabua. Forty-seven years old, senior Senator in the Congress of Micronesia, successful businessman and son of one of the Marshalls’ paramount traditional leaders, Amata Kabua is a power in the Marshalls. He has served as Chairman of […]
By Journal on August 19, 2016
NCT, nuclear, Nuclear Claims Tribunal, Paul Irujiman
Back In The Day

Journal 8/27/1976 P6 What They’ve Said by Mary Browning In the view of Donald F. McHenry, the problem of finding a proper political status for Micronesia has been essentially an unsuccessful effort to reconcile conflicting American and Micronesian interests. McHenry’s exploration of the problem has been published as Micronesia: Trust Betrayed, by the Carnegie Endowment […]