By Journal on March 21, 2024
Bravo test, Daigo Fukuryu Maru, Fukushima, Giff Johnson, Lucky Dragon No. 5, March 1, Rongelap, Setsuko Shimomoto
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GIFF JOHNSON Setsuko Shimomoto is an unusual advocate for a little known nuclear exposure problem. She didn’t discover that her father had been exposed to Bravo hydrogen bomb test fallout while fishing in the waters of the Marshall Islands until over 30 years after the 1954 Bravo test, and then only because a high school […]
By Journal on July 20, 2023
Antari Elbon, Darlene Keju-Johnson, Fukushima, Hilary Hosia, Hirata Kabua, Kazunari Tanaka, Koboj Langrine, Marshall Islands Mayors Association, MIMA, Telmong J. Kabua, Telmong Kabua, Yukiko Hata
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA The idea of Japan releasing waste water from a nuclear power plant into the ocean did not sit well with local mayors attending the Marshall Islands Mayors Association summit at the International Conference Center over the weekend. The mayors, most of whom are avid fishermen, disliked the idea of what they perceive as […]
By Journal on July 18, 2019
Bikini, Chernobyl, Enewetak, Fukushima, hot spots, LA Times, nuclear, radiation, Rongelap
News Archive

Radiation levels on Bikini Island are up to 1,000 times higher than samples from areas affected by the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear power plant disasters, newly published research on the Marshall Islands shows. Several new studies were published Monday by the US National Academy of Sciences based on research conducted by scientists with Columbia University […]
By Journal on June 29, 2017
Chris Loeak, Ebeye, Fukushima, Hiroshi Watanabe, Isaac Marty, Iwaki City, Japan, Majuro, Mattlan Zackhras, PALM7, Shinzo Abe
Feature Articles

Japan Embassy Charge d’Affaires Hiroshi Watanabe on Friday handed over $2.7 million worth of disaster risk reduction equipment to the RMI government represented by Mattlan Zackhras, Minister in Assistance to the President. “We have the equipment but if we don’t bless and take care of them it’s no use,” said Zackhras at the handover ceremony. […]
By Journal on September 29, 2016
Christopher Loeak, disaster, Fukushima, Hideyuki Mitsuoka, Hiroshi Watanabe, Iwaki City, Japan, Justina Langidrik, Mack Aikuij, Mattlan Zackhras, Shinzo Abe, Tony Muller
News Archive

Japan Ambassador to RMI Hideyuki Mitsuoka handed over disaster risk reduction equipment to the RMI government at the Public Works yard last Wednesday. Ministers Mattlan Zackhras and Tony Muller were on hand to receive the donation of heavy equipment, as were Chief Secretary Justina Langidrik, and many representatives of both governments. Rev. Mack Aikuij blessed […]