By Journal on September 6, 2019
Carlson Domnick, election season, Hilary Hosia, Ladie Jack
Feature Articles

We know election season is around the corner with “signs” of the election erected in almost every corner of Majuro. After a drive from one edge of Majuro to the other, we find the following: Majuro Mayor Ladie Jack’s banner sits at the furthest end of Majuro in Laura while Rita council hopeful Carlson Domnick […]
By Journal on August 22, 2019
Hilary Hosia, Hirobo Obeketang, Jason Timothy, Marshall Islands Resort
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA Marshall Islands Resort has a lot to celebrate in its 23rd anniversary this week Friday and Saturday — for starters the state-owned enterprise performs in an outstanding manner for a once heavily-subsidized entity. RMI government audits of the Resort show a well-managed entity. Perhaps most important is the bottom line in the latest […]
By Journal on July 4, 2019
Enemanit, Hilary Hosia, Majuro, Majuro Urok Club, Marshalls Billfish Club, Mayor Ladie Jack, Waylon Muller
News Archive

Dozens of anglers and bottom fishermen will take to their boats this weekend in Majuro for two days of fishing competition. The beautiful Miss Urok Alexis Henry and Miss Billfish Iesha Abner Floor will both grace the docks in Uliga harbor July 5 and 6 for the running of the 37th Annual Marshalls Billfish Club […]
By Journal on June 27, 2019
Ebeye, Giff Johnson, Hilary Hosia, Jambo Arts, Majuro, Majuro Middle School
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON Local students in Majuro and Ebeye were given the chance to show their audiovisual creativity in a series of workshops that will lead to a soon-to-be-released film and graphic adaptations of Marshallese legends. A team from the United Kingdom collaborated with the local organization Jambo Arts to sponsor drawing and animation workshops involving […]
By Journal on June 20, 2019
Alfred Alfred Jr., Alinglaplap, Hilary Hosia, Jason Menanso, Jeiar Juano
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA While the national government prides itself for upholding the 50 cents per pound for copra, the notion is becoming a nuisance to the people of Ailinglaplap. According to Ailinglaplap Senator Alfred Alfred, Jr., over 2,000 bags of copra have been sitting on the atoll since June last year without being picked up. “That’s […]
By Journal on June 13, 2019
Arno, Hilary Hosia, Jejwarick Anton, Torrak Anton
Feature Articles

Like most outer islands, everybody knows everybody in Arno, Arno. But, unlike most outer islands, Arno is known for its massive haul of copra production. Speaking of copra, one individual is known throughout Arno as the king of copra and he goes by the name Torrak Anton. On any given day, Torrak can be seen […]
By Journal on June 7, 2019
Assumption High School, Barton Jakki Kaios, Cyrus Curtis Graham, Hilary Hosia, Niro Joji Tareo
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA Of the 14 graduates from Assumption High School last Sunday, three stood out for the fact that they’ve been classmates since their very first day in kindergarten 13 years ago.Meet the “original three” from Assumption: Barton Jakki Kaios, Niro Joji Tareo and Cyrus Curtis Graham. Approximately $52,200 has been injected into the school […]
By Journal on May 31, 2019
Hilary Hosia, Lerooj Chihaya Anmontha Multi Purpose Park, MALGov
Feature Articles

The latest installment of community support from the Majuro Atoll Local Government and Republic of China/Taiwan partnership came in the form of newly christened Lerooj Chihaya Anmontha Multi-Purpose Park in the Jenrok area of Majuro. Mayor Ladie Jack brought the crowd to applause when he said “more will come, this is not the end” while […]
By Journal on May 24, 2019
Ambasssdor Karen Steward, College all America, Hilary Hosia, NFL
Feature Articles

HILARY HOSIA In the Marshall Islands, socializing with a National Football League player over dinner is not something you do on a daily basis. Or ever. But for the folks who joined US Ambassador Karen Stewart at a dinner reception for last week’s visit by US Department of Energy officials, such was a reality: Those […]
By Journal on May 24, 2019
Baseketball, Deborah Shoniber, FIBA, Hilary Hosia, Lyla Lemari, MIBF
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA Candice Guavis was named president of the Marshall Islands Basketball Federation following a general election at the Marshall Islands Resort last Friday, making her the first female president of a basketball association in the Micronesia region — and one of only three among the 22 federations in the FIBA Oceania region. The former […]