Hilary Hosia

Marshall Islands Resort active ’23’

Marshall Islands Resort active ’23’

HILARY HOSIA Marshall Islands Resort has a lot to celebrate in its 23rd anniversary this week Friday and Saturday — for starters the state-owned enterprise performs in an outstanding manner for a once heavily-subsidized entity. RMI government audits of the Resort show a well-managed entity. Perhaps most important is the bottom line in the latest […]

Billfish, Urok tournaments this weekend

Billfish, Urok tournaments this weekend

Dozens of anglers and bottom fishermen will take to their boats this weekend in Majuro for two days of fishing competition. The beautiful Miss Urok Alexis Henry and Miss Billfish Iesha Abner Floor will both grace the docks in Uliga harbor July 5 and 6 for the running of the 37th Annual Marshalls Billfish Club […]

Students produce creative RMI stories

Students produce creative RMI stories

GIFF JOHNSON Local students in Majuro and Ebeye were given the chance to show their audiovisual creativity in a series of workshops that will lead to a soon-to-be-released film and graphic adaptations of Marshallese legends. A team from the United Kingdom collaborated with the local organization Jambo Arts to sponsor drawing and animation workshops involving […]

‘Original three’ graduate at Assumption

‘Original three’ graduate at Assumption

HILARY HOSIA Of the 14 graduates from Assumption High School last Sunday, three stood out for the fact that they’ve been classmates since their very first day in kindergarten 13 years ago.Meet the “original three” from Assumption: Barton Jakki Kaios, Niro Joji Tareo and Cyrus Curtis Graham. Approximately $52,200 has been injected into the school […]

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