By Journal on October 10, 2019
Ebeye, Fiji, Hilary Hosia, Jack Chong Gum, Jone Bola, KAJUR, MEC
News Archive

Ebeye’s power situation was looking up this week, following nearly two months of power problems due to lack of generators. Two rental generators in containers arrived on Ebeye late Sunday and the first one was hooked into the KAJUR power plant by late Monday, allowing normal power to return to most of the island. The […]
By Journal on February 15, 2019
Education Week, Kelly Lorennij, Life Skills Academy, Marshalls Energy Company, MEC
Feature Articles

Monday’s Education Week college and career fair at ICC in Majuro engaged hundreds of students from numerous schools. The Marshalls Energy Company was one of many that hosted a booth to speak with students. MEC staff clearly connected with this group of Life Skills Academy students. Photo: Kelly Lorennij. Read more about this in the […]
By Journal on February 2, 2017
Billy Roberts, Kirt Pinho, Liverpool, Marshalls Energy Company, MEC, Steve Wakefield, The Beatles, William F. "Billy" Roberts
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON The city of Liverpool’s greatest claim to fame is it gave birth to the music phenomenon known as The Beatles in the 1960s. Fortunately for the Marshall Islands, the world’s most famous rock band wasn’t Liverpool’s only asset. Who could have predicted that when British electrical engineer William F. “Billy” Roberts stepped off […]
By Journal on September 29, 2016
Jack Chong Gum, Marshalls Energy Company, MEC
News Archive

The Journal hesitates to report that there have been far fewer power outages the past couple of weeks compared to recent weeks and months — but it’s a fact. The primary reason is that Marshalls Energy Company has returned the second large engine (“number seven”) to service. But, and there usually is one when dealing […]
By Journal on August 5, 2016
Arthur Hetherington, Billy Roberts, MEC
Back In The Day

Journal 8/6/1976 P7 Elected absentees Rumors of a planned early departure and a number of late arrivals by some members of the Congress of Micronesia at the Ponape Special Session caused Yap Representative Luke Tman to say he was “extremely concerned” that one Congress member did not arrive on Ponape at all. Another member had […]
By Journal on July 1, 2016
David Paul, generator, Marshalls Energy Company, MEC
News Archive

The Marshalls Energy Company began long-awaited testing of engine seven at the Majuro power plant late last week. The engine, one of two six-megawatt capacity generators, has been undergoing major rehabilitation for the past two years. Engineers from Australian manufacturing companies arrived over the past few days to check the newly rebuilt engine. MEC officials […]
By Journal on December 18, 2015
Angeline Heine, cmi, Isaac Marty, KAJUR, MEC, solar-to-grid, Walter Myazoe
News Archive

ISAAC MARTY A solar-to-grid installation workshop to train certified local installers was held at Robert Reimers Enterprises’ Bokanake this past week. The Solar PV (photovoltaic) System Training funded by ADMIRE and PIGGAREP, with Ministry of Resources and Development’s Energy Office coordinating, is a lead up to the Marshall Islands Development Bank’s solar loan scheme. The […]
By Journal on November 13, 2015
energy, MEC, profit
Back In The Day

Journal 11/5/1976 P3 Betelnut battle reigns in islands Two Micronesians who chew betelnut have come out in support of Guam Congressman Antonio Won Pat in his fight with US government officials in Washington over the recent betelnut ban. Palau District Administration Thomas Remengesau says the Guam Congressman should be awarded 1,000 betelnuts in recognition of […]