By Journal on February 18, 2022
Guam, Landon Aydlett, Majuro, National Weather Services Office, NDMO, Northern Islands High School, Ota Kisino, WASH Cluster, Wilmer Joel, Wotje
News Archive

The northern islands are now facing a looming drought with little to no rain in January.While Majuro was deluged with rain the first couple of days in February, rainfall in Majuro is no indication of wetness in the northern islands. While Majuro received 8.76 inches of rain in December, Wotje saw only 2.55 inches. January […]
By Journal on April 21, 2017
Danny Wase, Drauna Waqasokolala, Hilary Hosia, Joe Tiobech, John Kaiko, Mike Halferty, Neal Keju, Ota Kisino, Phil Philippo, Randall McKay, RMI Leadership, Rufina Jack, Stanley Myazoe
Feature Articles

HILARY HOSIA A majority of mayors attending the 17th Executive Leadership Workshop at the Marshall Islands Resort’s Melele Room Tuesday demanded improved customer service from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications panel, which included bosses from Air Marshall Islands, Directorate of Civil Aviation, Shipping Corporation and Ports Authority. But Wotje Mayor Ota Kisino took the […]
By Journal on July 28, 2016
Amenta Matthew, Hilda Heine, Mayors, MIMA, Ota Kisino
News Archive

Marshall Islands Mayors Association President Ota Kisino joined President Hilda Heine and Internal Affairs Minister Amenta Matthew in signing a joint communique from the recently completed Leadership Conference spelling out seven areas for follow up action. The joint communique is the first in the 16 years of this annual event. The key areas identified for […]
By Journal on July 14, 2016
Amenta Matthew, David Obet, Glann Lewis, Heinkey Lomwe, Ione deBrum, Isaac Marty, James Matayoshi, Marshall Islands Mayors Association, Mayors, MIMA, Neil Keju, Ota Kisino
News Archive

ISAAC MARTY The 16th RMI Executive Leadership Conference kicked off Monday with President Hilda Heine as Chairperson, Marshall Islands Mayors Association President Ota Kisino from Wotje as Co-Chairperson, and Internal Affairs Minister Amenta Matthew as Secretary. The Cabinet, Office of the President and executive branch agencies met with the mayors for the morning discussion. Enewetak […]
By Journal on July 7, 2016
Alinton Robert, Hilda Heine, Isaac Marty, jellimaan, Lein Zedkaia, Manini Kabua Jr., MIMA, Ota Kisino, Veronica Wase
News Archive

ISAAC MARTY “Be a good ‘jellimaan,’” Iroijlaplap Patrick Lein Zedkaia said to the 22 mayors present during the opening of the 25th Annual Conference of the Marshall Islands Mayors Association (MIMA) at the International Conference Center (ICC) Monday. Zedkaia explained that a “jellimaan” is the man in the crow’s nest or lookout point near the […]
By Journal on February 19, 2016
Antonio Eliu, Ota Kisino, Wotje
Feature Articles

A visit last week to Wotje by Mayor Ota Kisino and disaster relief officials surveyed the island for drought problems, and set up reverse osmosis water-making equipment. Antonio Eliu from Chief Secretary’s Disaster team and officials from MWSC and SPC joined the visit. “Wotje has been affected by the drought since November 2015 and we […]