Papua New Guinea

3 island tuna deal signed

3 island tuna deal signed

GIFF JOHNSON For decades, the Marshall Islands and other Pacific Islands struggled with how to generate more revenue from the commercial tuna industry. Now, a three-nation agreement signed Monday in Honiara, Solomon Islands, could be the latest game-changer for Pacific fisheries cooperation. Beginning in the 1980s, island nations for the first time began selling licenses […]

Miss Majol does RMI proud

Miss Majol does RMI proud

The Miss Pacific Islands Pageant wrapped up last Saturday in Nauru with Miss Samoa Moemoana Schwenke being crowned Miss Pacific Islands 2024. Miss Marshall Islands Claret Chong Gum was honored with the Third Runner Up title for the pageant and was recognized and praised by hundreds of Marshallese who watched the weeklong event playout on […]

Tuna operations strong in 2023

Tuna operations strong in 2023

Tuna transshipments in Majuro in 2023 increased over the previous year, nearly breaking the 300 mark. The year end strong with 32 transshipments in December — often a slow month, but now this past year. This included 31 transshipments to carrier vessels in the lagoon and one unloading at dock side for freezer container export. […]

Aussies back Pacific air service

Aussies back Pacific air service

Since starting its Pacific Flights Program in FY2020, the Australian government has spent over AUD$16.9 million ($11.4 million) connecting 13 Pacific countries and Australia through seven airlines facilitating over 600 flights that have moved over 45,000 people and over 4,000 tons of cargo including critical vaccines and medical supplies. It is currently assisting the Nauru […]

MIMRA sees tuna rebound

MIMRA sees tuna rebound

GIFF JOHNSON MIMRA records show that tuna transshipment in Majuro rebounded following the disastrous first year of Covid in 2020, when transshipment plummeted by 60 percent compared to the year before. “Are they coming back?” MIMRA Director Glen Joseph asked rhetorically about the purse seine transshipment operations. “Yes, but a review of the data shows […]

Tuna movement remains slow

Tuna movement remains slow

Tuna transshipments continued at a slow pace in September. But the 14 conducted last month pushed the annual total to date over 200 — the second year in a row showing a rebound from the Covid-impacted 2020, when transshipments fell from over 400 a year to 175. With the 14 in September, Majuro has now […]

Child death high in the RMI

Child death high in the RMI

Journal 8/16/1985 P1 Time to move Urban renewal is coming to the downtown area of Majuro with the government announcing its plans to remove the dilapidated buildings knowns as the “Labor Camp” from the central business district in Uliga. The wood and corrugated metal roof barrack-style buildings have been a fixture in downtown since they […]

Tuna CEO meets President Kabua

Tuna CEO meets President Kabua

New PNA Office CEO Dr. Sangaa Clark, her husband Les Clark and MIMRA Director Glen Joseph made a courtesy call on President David Kabua and his Cabinet members earlier in the month. The RMI is playing two roles in relation to the Parties to the Nauru Agreement, said Joseph: As a member of the PNA […]

RMI eyes PNG tuna action

RMI eyes PNG tuna action

GIFF JOHNSON The Marshall Islands is watching with interest a new commercial tuna management system launched by Papua New Guinea earlier this year. The recently implemented system by PNG’s National Fisheries Authority rewards purse seiners for landing tuna to be processed on shore in PNG because this increases job opportunities at tuna canneries and processing […]