Salome Andrike

Band, dance comp highlights Culture Week

Band, dance comp highlights Culture Week

WILMER JOEL Several of the island’s top bands and dancers performed during last week’s Luttok Kobban Alele festivities. Ten bands — the Ladudu Band, Pinnin Matolen, Lijaanbaru, Al in Majel (AIM) Band, LiErwa Band, Moriba, CMI Production, Brothers Band, Kajoor Wot Wor, and Kitwon Jota — competed in the Battle of the Bands, which was […]

Salome ends 35 years with UA

Salome ends 35 years with UA

The end of an era in United Airlines’ footprint in the Marshall Islands was announced last week by Burt Weilbacher, United’s senior regional manager for airport operations in Micronesia. United Airlines Majuro General Manager Salome Andrike retired effective last weekend after a 35-year career that spanned Continental Micronesia and later United Airlines service to the […]

United flights to Majuro halted

United flights to Majuro halted

GIFF JOHNSON A once in one thousand year natural disaster in Tonga last weekend broke its submarine fiber cable in two places, severing Tonga’s communication links to the outside world. Majuro, this week, also experienced a severing of links to the outside world in a different way. A man-made disaster in the form of lack […]