By Journal on March 18, 2021
Alson Kelen, Angeline Heine-Reimers, Biram Stege, climate change, Giff Johnson, Jim Philippo, Jo-Jikum, Kameradisten (Comrades) Film Team, Karen Earnshaw, Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner, LoMoki Langidrik, Minister Kitlang Kabua, One Word Film, Timmy Langrine, Wimer Joel
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The premiere of the latest Marshallese and German-made movie “One Word” had the audience starstruck at Jittak-En Saturday night with its rich cinematography and unerring documentation about climate change. The movie is the outcome of the collaboration between German film team Kameradisten (Comrades) directors Viviana and Mark Uriona and local non-profit organization Jo-Jikum.It features great […]
By Journal on January 3, 2019
Ahmadiyya, block party, David Ackley, Jorelik Tibon, Karen Stewart, Larry Hernandez, M-Polen, Majuro, Maynard Alfred, Nauru, Pohnpei, Timmy Langrine, Waylon Muller
News Archive

Block Party gives back HILARY HOSIA The famed Majuro New Year Block Party lived up to its reputation yet again this year as evident by thousands of participants enjoying the contagious festival — even families from Nauru, Pohnpei and Marshallese living abroad flew in for the occasion.
By Journal on April 27, 2018
Benjamin Graham, Florent Chané, Timmy Langrine, World Food Program
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KELLY LORENNIJ The World Food Program (WFP) gathered North Pacific countries and humanitarian aid participants from the region for the “hatching” of local solutions regarding emergency logistics, a five-day event that took place last week. Chief Secretary Benjamin Graham officially opened the event, the very first Logistics Cluster Workshop in Micronesia. Over 40 emergency response […]
By Journal on April 19, 2018
disasters, Florent Chané, FSM, Kiribati, Palau, RMI, Timmy Langrine, tsunami
News Archive

More than forty emergency response experts met in Majuro last week to identify locally-led solutions to overcome logistics challenges that can hinder disaster response in the North Pacific region. Efficient logistics can make or break a humanitarian response, and the workshop focused on ensuring that when the next emergency strikes, affected islanders can respond quickly […]