By Journal on February 8, 2024
Andrew Morgan, Connie Livai Jr, Elaisa Riklon, Ernest Miller, Hilary Hosia, Hirobo Obeketang, jobwa, Kilinwojke Kabua, Kitlang kabua, Kwajalein, Mike Kabua, Mike Sakaio, Operation Flintlock, Shimiko Chong Gum, Stacey Morgan, US Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll, USAG-KA
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HILARY HOSIA The remains of a fallen US service member believed missing since World War II in the Marshall Islands was finally homebound last week following the official handover by the US Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll (USAG-KA) at the Richardson Theater last Friday. The development was one of the many highlights during the four-day celebrations in […]
By Journal on February 3, 2022
Alaska, Arrak, Barab Edward, Centers for Disease Control, Covid, Guam, Kwaj Lodge, Kwajalein, Majuro, Ministry of Health and Human Services, Omicron, Palau, repatriation, RMI government, United Airlines, United States, USAG-KA
News Archive

The RMI government continues to use both its quarantine facility in Arrak Majuro, as well as the Kwaj Lodge at Kwajalein for managing the quarantine of incoming repatriation groups. Although United Airlines is not taking passengers out of Majuro for now, it continues to stop in Majuro for refueling and to drop off repatriation groups.Last […]
By Journal on December 30, 2021
Covid, Gaafar Uherbelau, Giff Johnson, Hilary Hosia, Kino Kabua, Kwajalein, Palau, RMI’s National Disaster Committee, US Army base, USAG-KA
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON New Year’s fireworks will happen this weekend at the US Army base at Kwajalein after the RMI’s National Disaster Committee waived quarantine requirements for a technical team that arrived Tuesday this week to set up and operate the display. The Army asked for and was granted an exemption from the one-week Hawaii quarantine […]
By Journal on September 10, 2021
Council of Irooj, iroojlaplap, Kotak Loeak, Nitijela, USAG-KA
Feature Articles

Iroojlaplap Kotak Loeak died this past weekend at Majuro hospital following a brief illness. He was 81. For decades, the iroojlaplap served as the chairman of the Council of Irooj, a post he held until his passing last weekend. One of his last public events was speaking to the August 9 opening of Nitijela. It […]
By Journal on August 12, 2021
$667 Millions trust fund, David Kabua, Kenneth Kedi, Nitijela, USAG-KA, Wilmer Joel
News Archive

WILMER JOEL Nitijela launched the opening of the August session Monday that showed an adequate turnout of 24 members of parliament at roll call, with seven excused and two absent. Members of the diplomatic corps, Colonel Thomas Pugsley and a delegation of USAG-KA officials, private and public sector representatives, church choirs and a sparse turnout […]
By Journal on July 29, 2021
Airline of the Marshall Islands, Albon Jelke, AMI, Drauna Waqasokolala, Thomas Pugsley, USAG-KA
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Air Marshall Islands board of directors has named a new general manager to replace outgoing GM Drauna Waqasokolala, who advised the airline earlier this year of his plan to step down from the post after six years at the helm. The new AMI General Manager is Captain Albon Jelke, who is “new” only to the […]
By Journal on November 12, 2020
David Kabua, Kino Kabua, Majuro Atoll Local Government, USAG-KA
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The Marshall Islands is expected to revert to Covid-free status following medical declaration that the US Army worker who initially tested positive two weeks ago is no longer contagious. President David Kabua, speaking at the last day of Nitijela Tuesday, first announced the news that the American had no symptoms and had been cleared by […]
By Journal on July 23, 2020
AKIA CAFE, Bruce Bilimon, Carson Sigrah, Giff Johnson, Hilary Hosia, Hirata Kabua, Jeremy Bartel, Joe Bejang, Junior Aini, Kalani Kaneko, Kitlang kabua, Peterson JIbas, Reginald White, RRE, Tony Aisaia, USAG-KA
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GIFF JOHNSON The US Army Garrison, Kwajalein Atoll had its first long-distance brush with coronavirus when one of the 15 base workers scheduled to return this week tested positive for Covid-19 in Honolulu prior to departing for Kwajalein. Contract tracing by Army authorities identified three others in the intending repatriation group to have had contact […]
By Journal on June 4, 2020
Benjamin Thomas, Connielynn Paul, Giff Johnson, Godfrey Capelle, Hilary Hosia, Jeremy Bartel, Kino Kabua, MOHHS, Namoluk Atoll, NDC, USAG-KA
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON Following last week’s repatriation of nine Marshallese from the FSM, the RMI National Disaster Committee (NDC) is expected to start considering arrangements, including protocols, for RMI citizens stranded in Covid-19 affected countries to return home. Part of this major decision to eventually allow RMI citizens back home will be contingent upon the completion of […]
By Journal on August 25, 2017
Alabama, Dan Lacario, David Paul, DynCorp, Huntsville, James DeOre, KRS, Kwajalein Range Services, LOGCAP, Mike Sakaio, Ursula LaBrie, USAG-KA
Feature Articles

GIFF JOHNSON A large number of construction projects in progress and in planning at the US Army Garrison—Kwajalein Atoll (USAG-KA) suggest Marshallese employment opportunities will remain steady. Local business hopes for new business opportunities at the Army base, however, were disappointed when the new base operations contract did not go out to bid as was […]