By Journal on June 27, 2024
Chewy Lin, Chuuk, CNMI, Guam, Helkena Anni, Mattie Sasser, Merean Atantaake, Micronesian games, Nauru, Patterson River, Pohnpei, RMI, Yap
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON As the dust settles on the Micronesian Games, and athletes revel in their medals or hope for better performances next time, there is one overriding sense from this 10-island competition: Island athletes, coaches and officials were happy to get back into this sub-regional competition after a Covid-extended six-year break since the last Games […]
By Journal on June 20, 2024
Chuuk, Covid, Giff Johnson, Guam, Hilda Heine, Kiribati, Kosrae, Mattie Sasser, Micronesian games, Nauru, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Pohnpei, Tony Muller, Waylon Muller, Wilmer Joel, Yap
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON The Micronesian Games kicked off in Majuro Saturday June 15 with a gala celebration that featured sports delegations from the 10 islands in the sub-region parading in uniform with flags and banners along a newly opened track field, a rarely performed traditional stick dance of the Marshall Islands, a Marshall Islands flag dance, and […]
By Journal on August 26, 2022
American Folklife Center, Fais Island, Habele, Lavalava, Mellon Foundation, Modesta Yangmog, NANCY GROCE, Regina Raigetal, Serphina Yarfalyei, Yap
Feature Articles
NANCY GROCE* The Habele Outer Island Education Fund in the Federated States of Micronesia was one of 10 projects chosen to receive a highly-competitive Community Collections Grant from the American Folklife Center (AFC) through the Library’s Of the People: Widening the Path initiative. Funded by the Mellon Foundation, the grant program supports individuals and organizations […]
By Journal on April 5, 2019
Abdrea KIndbirg, Anet Rowa, FSM, John Mangefel, Kirt Pinho, Kumrtak, Lanwi, WASC, Yap
Back In The Day
Journal 4/6/1982 P6 Yap Governor: Development a matter of survival Yap Governor John Mangefel declared last week that emphasis would shift to economic development as his administration’s number one priority. “The state of Yap, like the rest of the FSM, needs economic development: not as a matter of principle or because ‘it would be nice’ […]
By Journal on August 3, 2018
Micronesian games, Tony Muller, Waylon Muller, Yap
Feature Articles

Pride in country and patriotism summarized the welcoming ceremony for Marshallese athletes homebound from the 9th Micronesian Games in Yap Sunday night at the Amata Kabua International Airport. Athletes, coaches and entourage received a VIP welcome from a large crowd of fans, families, friends and officials with each person receiving numerous hugs and leis as […]
By Journal on July 19, 2018
Aliyah Brown, Bollong Joklur, Guam, Isaiah Kramer, Kaiser Muller, Marshall Islands, Micronesian games, Palau, Saipan, Sidra Triplett, Sione Aho, Waylon Muller, Yap
News Archive

Marshall Islands athletes got off to a good start earlier this week at the Micronesian Games in Yap, picking up medals in several sports. Perhaps the most remarkable medal winner is Mr. Gold himself, Waylon Muller, who at the tender age of 44, bulldogged his way to yet another gold in Yap. Waylon has won […]
By Journal on December 4, 2015
Amata Kabua, Amatlain Kabua, Atma Zedkaia, ballots, Don Brugman, Edward R. Doane, history, jeptas, Kessai Note, Micronesia, Ronnie Reimers, Yap
Back In The Day

Journal 12/3/1976 P1 Micronesia: World’s biggest exclusive ocean economic zone? Elected and traditional leaders from Truk, Ponape, Kusaie, Marshalls, Yap and Palau are attending the first Micronesian Conference of Law of the Sea. Despite differences over the issue of future political status, one question remains: Can the districts agree on a common position on Law […]