By Journal on March 16, 2017
Japan volunteer, JICA, JOCV, Kwajalein Atoll High School, Marshallese-English dictionary, Tadashi Takaya, Taro Ogura
Feature Articles

Two Japan volunteers have created an “app” that puts the Marshallese-English dictionary literally at the fingertips of anyone who has a computer, tablet or smart phone. Japan International Cooperation Volunteers Tadashi Takaya, who is departing CMI later this month after two years in the IT department, and Taro Ogura, who recently returned to Japan after […]
By Journal on March 16, 2017
Alexander Pinano, Kibedrikdrik, Marciano R. De Borja, Mobile Passport Services, Overseas Absentee Voter's Registration, Robert Reimers
News Archive

ISAAC MARTY A three-day Mobile Passport Services and Overseas Absentee Voter’s Registration and Status Check for Filipinos on island was conducted Saturday, Sunday, and Monday at the Robert Reimers Enterprises Hotel’s reception and Kibedrikdrik Room. On hand for the project was Guam-based Philippines Consul General Marciano R. De Borja. Borja oversees Guam, Commonwealth of the […]
By Journal on March 16, 2017
Bryant Zebedy, Carnie Reimers, Duke Gaston, Jabod Silk, Jobod Silk, Makali'I Kelen, Oklahoma!, Rebecca Lathrop, Teeri Komwenga, Terri Komwenga, Tommy Kabua
News Archive

Rebecca Lathrop Two hundred and fifty folk were transported to the farming plains of Oklahoma in the 1940s Tuesday night, laughing and tapping their toes to the magic that was happening on stage. The lights came up and Aunt Eller, played by Carnie Reimers, began churning butter. Her green bonnet in place and her stage […]
By Journal on March 10, 2017
Bobby Muller, COFA, Compact of Free Association, immigration
Back In The Day

Journal 3/14/1975 P1 Someone remembered Depressed by what you read generally in newspapers? Well, here’s some welcome relief: this paper has uncovered a rather nice rid-bit. The patients of Rehab Center at Majuro hospital, a facility that serves all Micronesians, are now enjoying a brand new 19-inch color television set, which was presented to them […]
By Journal on March 10, 2017
Endoscopy, Gastroscopy, Kennar Briand, Mailynn Lang
Feature Articles

The Ministry of Health held a soft christening ceremony for the new Gastroscopy (Endoscopy) machine last Friday at the Majuro hospital. The machine, which cost $270,824, comes with a fiber optic tube with a built-in camera system that would enable surgeons to view, identify and work internally on a patient’s body. “We are grateful and […]
By Journal on March 9, 2017
Doris Lani, Herine Hampton, Judy Bennett, Salome Alfred, World Day of Prayer
News Archive

Women gathered across the globe to celebrate the 2017 World Day of Prayer. In Majuro the ladies from Assumption, Morning Star, the Reformed Christian Church, New Beginnings Assembly of God and the Salvation Army gathered at Our Lady of Assumption Catholic Church to worship and celebrate their faith. They participated in a service that included […]
By Journal on March 9, 2017
Jim Philippo, Lejje Loeak, Mithen Nathan, Mitsuo Yamada, Muramatsu Vechile Company, Shinya Adachi, Timi Ebort, tobolar, Tomakomai Hokuso Koun Kaisha
News Archive

Tobolar’s 33-year dream was fulfilled with the opening of its very own rear cart factory at its Delap compound last month. The facility came through Tobolar funding and it is 40ft long by 30ft wide and includes three engines or small machines for cutting, bending, and welding iron materials into rear carts. Tobolar Deputy General […]
By Journal on March 9, 2017
Bill Graham, Dr. Neal Palafox, Emlyn Hughes, Enewetak, Enja Enos, Glenn Alcalay, Hilary Hosia, John Silk, Karen Stewart, Kenneth Kedi, Meto Court, nuclear legacy conference, Nuclear Victims Remembrance Day, RMI, Tony ‘Ton-Ton’ deBrum Kattil, Tony deBrum, Trudy Peterson, Ujelang
News Archive

Following the traditional annual program commemorating Nuclear Victims Remembrance Day at the Meto Court area in front of the capitol building Wednesday morning, the RMI’s first ever nuclear legacy conference opened in the afternoon at the International Conference Center. The theme for the conference was “Charting a Journey Toward Justice.” After an invocation by the […]
By Journal on March 3, 2017
Bikinians, Bravo hydrogen bomb, Department of Interior, Ismael John, Tomaki Juda
Back In The Day

Journal March 7, 1975 P1 Tmetuchl names Mangefel ‘Man of the Year’ Micronesia has a new man of the year — or at least it will have if Palau Senator Roman Tmetuchl has his way. In a recent speech, Tmetuchl said Rep. John Mangefel of Yap should be considered a national hero for Micronesia. The […]
By Journal on March 3, 2017
Hanson Kaisha, Majuro Atoll Local Government, MALGov, Marshalls Christian High School
Feature Articles

The Rongrong Island community celebrated the latest Majuro Atoll Local Government sports court development last Friday. A VIP lineup joined the ceremony for the new court at Marshalls Christian High School. Everyone was treated to lively dancing and singing by MCHS students, including this student-led rendition of the national anthem (pictured). Following the official ceremony, […]