Romance on tap for Majuro

Romance on tap for Majuro

HILARY HOSIA Youth Bridge Global is taking us to the Wild West this year with the feature play Oklahoma! The show brings back veteran actors with a mixture of new talents from Assumption, Majuro Baptist Christian Academy, Marshall Islands High School, Majuro Cooperative, College of Marshall Islands and University of South Pacific. The play will […]

MWSC works on action plan

MWSC works on action plan

Majuro Water and Sewer Company is working with international consultants Beca to determine what they need to do to get Majuro’s water and sewer systems up to world standards and to develop a plan to achieve this. MWSC’s General Manager Joseph Batol said that Beca and MWSC have undertaken several field tests and condition assessments […]

Worst year in copra output

Worst year in copra output

Journal1/17/1975 P6 Interior Plumbing and Aeronautics by Joe Murphy Bob Fischel and the ICA have come out with a paper entitled “Follow-Up Report Relative to the Majuro Consult on Human Development in the Marshall Islands.” It’s nine pages long, and quite startling. It reports that the Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA) met with Leander Mellon, […]

MISSA changes to be delayed

MISSA changes to be delayed

Legislation to delay implementation of the new MISSA law was introduced on the first day of the Nitijela session last week. Bill 54 was introduced by Health Minister Kalani Kaneko and supported by Finance Minister Brenson Wase, and Senators David Paul (Kwajalein), Dennis Momotaro (Mejit), and Bruce Bilimon (Maloelap). The bill is brief and to […]

Sustainable tuna tonnage to double

Sustainable tuna tonnage to double

Growing global market demand for MSC-certified tuna and fishing industry interest is expected to see “wild catch” tuna tonnage double from the waters of the Parties to the Nauru Agreement in 2017. The Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) operate a Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified free school caught skipjack and yellowfin tuna fishery in […]

RMI considers dry-dock

RMI considers dry-dock

Journal 1/8/1973 P8 Marshalls considers dry-dock Skip Caukins, a design engineer working for the Trust Territory government, was in Majuro this week studying a proposed site for a marine railroad at the Mieco Beach area. The proposed dry dock is intended to take ships up to 171 feet. According to Caukins, the Mieco Beach site […]

You are what you eat

You are what you eat

ISAAC MARTY The next five to fifty years of our lives depend on nutrition. And nutrition is more than just the food we eat. It includes physical exercise on a daily basis. The Marshall Islands is facing the difficult challenge of high rates of diabetes. Diabetes is the number one Marshallese killer. Solution? Healthy lifestyle. […]