By Journal on December 25, 2015
Nicolas Burniat, UN Women, violence, women
Feature Articles
The level of violence against women in the Pacific is double the rate in the rest of the world, which is the sign that Pacific societies need to change social norms in order for development to progress, said a United Nations official. Speaking to Radio New Zealand International, UN Women’s Deputy Representative for Fiji, Nicolas […]
By Journal on December 24, 2015
Alfred Alfred, Giff Johnson, Nitijela, RMI President
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON As the Marshall Islands heads into the heat of the holiday season, with exuberant celebrations of dance and music ongoing from last week through the first week of January at island churches, another type of frenzy is building in force with a January 4 deadline: Negotiation to form a new government for the […]
By Journal on December 18, 2015
census, Marshalls, Pacific history
Back In The Day

Journal 12/23/1977 P10 Ponape pepper project dropped The president of Speciality Brands Incorporated, a San Francisco based company, announced recently his company is dropping plans to boost cultivation of the Ponape pepper project citing lack of necessary labor to man the size of project contemplated. In a November 28 letter to High Commissioner Adrian Winkel, […]
By Journal on December 18, 2015
Angeline Heine, cmi, Isaac Marty, KAJUR, MEC, solar-to-grid, Walter Myazoe
News Archive

ISAAC MARTY A solar-to-grid installation workshop to train certified local installers was held at Robert Reimers Enterprises’ Bokanake this past week. The Solar PV (photovoltaic) System Training funded by ADMIRE and PIGGAREP, with Ministry of Resources and Development’s Energy Office coordinating, is a lead up to the Marshall Islands Development Bank’s solar loan scheme. The […]
By Journal on December 18, 2015
American Open, Kabuati "Tao" Bob, Mathlynn "Mattie" Sasser, MIWLF, Oceania Junior, RMI, Terry Sasser, weightlifter
News Archive

Marshall Islands weightlifter Mathlynn “Mattie” Sasser made history for the RMI at the American Open earlier this month, beating 64 of the best women weightlifters in the US to win a silver medal, while breaking an Oceania Junior record that has stood for 14 years. Marshall Islands Weightlifting Federation’s (MIWLF) national lifters Sasser and Kabuati […]
By Journal on December 18, 2015
177 Section, Bikini, Bill Graham, Bravo, Ellen Milne-Paul, Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner, REACH-MI, Rosania Bennett
News Archive

A new organization focused on the nuclear weapons testing legacy in the Marshall Islands says its aim is achieving justice for Marshall Islanders. The group, Radiation Exposure Awareness Crusaders for Humanity — Marshall Islands (REACH-MI for short), officially launched itself Tuesday with a program attended by about 40 people held at Sandy’s. REACH-MI Vice President […]
By Journal on December 18, 2015
Feature Articles
You can now subscribe to this site and receive an email notification of any new posts from the Marshall Islands Journal. To subscribe, scroll down the right hand side of this page and look for the heading ‘Subscribe to this site’ then enter your email address and click on Subscribe. You will then receive an […]
By Journal on December 18, 2015
Caoline Yacoe, Dr. Irene Taafaki, jaki-ed, Maria Kabua Fowler, USP, woven mats
Feature Articles

CAROLINE YACOE Woven mats, hats, purses, baskets, fans, wall hangings and jewelry from the Marshall Islands, Hawaii, French Polynesia, Nauru, Guam and Kiribati festively adorned the new space at Long Island Conference Center now part of the University of the South Pacific campus in Majuro. As the third such gathering of Pacific weavers it demonstrated […]
By Journal on December 17, 2015
Climate Summit, Selina Leem
News Archive

Marshallese high school student Selina Leem received a standing ovation after her remarks to the global Climate Summit’s closing plenary session in Paris, just minutes before the new climate action deal was officially approved by 196 nations. Leem, who is attending the United World College Robert Bosch school in Germany, attended a week of the […]
By Journal on December 11, 2015
Alvin Jacklick, Marie Maddison, PSC
News Archive

An opposition senator has taken the unprecedented action of asking the Public Service Commission to wait until a new government is installed before making more appointments to high-level government posts. Kwajalein Senator-elect Alvin Jacklick wrote PSC Chairperson Marie Maddison Monday saying he respected the independence of the PSC from Cabinet under the Constitution but asked, […]