Nitijela bans betel nut

Nitijela bans betel nut

Journal 2/27/1987 P7 RepMar-KALGov agree to Ebeye Public Works controlFollowing several months of talks, negotiators for the RMI and the Kwajalein Atoll Local Government have reached an agreement authorizing the national government’s public works department on Ebeye to be administered by KALGov. The agreement transfers all employees, assets, equipment and buildings to the control of […]

Students have a blast

Students have a blast

Education Week activities were in high gear in local schools last week around the Marshall Islands. Last week, most schools wrapped up a week of activities with field days for their students. Rita Elementary School events included running races. Majuro Middle School students joined in numerous games and activities. Marshall Islands High School students competed […]

RMI marks Emperor’s birthday

RMI marks Emperor’s birthday

HILARY HOSIA Marshall Islands joined the rest of the world in celebrating Japan Emperor Naruhito’s 64th birthday at the Marshall Islands Resort last Thursday. In the event, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Kalani Kaneko exchanged toasts with Japan Ambassador Tanaka Kazunari, signifying 35 years of political partnership between the two nations. In his remarks, […]

Andrew’s plays help hundreds

Andrew’s plays help hundreds

KAREN EARNSHAW The lives of many hundreds of Majuro’s youth were dramatically changed for the better over the past 20 years because a woman in New Hampshire was expanding her family. “One of my colleagues was adopting a Marshallese child,” Professor Andrew Garrod said at Dar Café Monday morning. “To do this, she flew to […]

DOD pushes Congress on Compact

DOD pushes Congress on Compact

Everyone, it seems, wants the US Congress to pass the Compact of Free Association legislation for the RMI, Federated States of Micronesia and Palau — even most members of the Congress itself. But that hasn’t helped get the stalled legislation onto the Congress’ legislative calendar in a form that will make it passable. Over five […]

Majuro has water woes

Majuro has water woes

Journal 2/20/1987 P1 Ebeye soaks but Majuro suffersWater any time of the day on Ebeye? While Majuro is encountering strict water hours — despite heavy rains last week — Ebeye is getting water eight hours a day and will soon have water 24-hours a day. The opening February 9 of the new power and desalination […]

Auditors investigate fraud complaints

Auditors investigate fraud complaints

During the July to December period last year, people reported eight new instances of corrupt practices involving public officials and government workers. “We continue to review all known allegations of fraud reported to us, including those we come across in our audit engagements,” RMI Auditor General Junior Patrick reported to Nitijela last week in the […]

Education week in high gear

Education week in high gear

President Dr. Hilda Heine participated in Friday’s Education Week opening ceremony at the College of the Marshall Islands’ SGT Solomon Sam Basketball Court. Heine delivered empowering remarks during the ceremony highlighting the importance of the Education Week. She mentioned that Education Week is an opportunity to celebrate public education, inform the community of the accomplishments […]

Taiwan helps wave victims

Taiwan helps wave victims

Taiwan Ambassador Steve CC Hsia donated $40,000 to the government of the Marshall Islands last week for aid to Arno and Ailinglaplap atolls that were hit by strong waves last month. Hsia said the contribution is to be divided equally between the two atolls to provide emergency humanitarian assistance to the two atolls affected by […]

Fixing the cell network

Fixing the cell network

GIFF JOHNSON Dropped calls and calls that don’t go through. That’s been a way of life for cell phone users in the Marshall Islands. The upcoming Micronesian Games is not only improving and expanding sports facilities that people here will enjoy long after the games, but it is leading to what is hoped to be […]

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