Pearls bring in the bucks

Pearls bring in the bucks

Journal 12/11/1987 P3 PII’s Kramer re-elected Chamber headNew officers were elected to the Marshall Islands Association of Chambers of Commerce last Thursday. Jerry Kramer of Pacific International Inc. was elected president of the Chamber. Sam Leon of Candise Rental was elected vice president, Pat Muno of the Hairport is secretary, and independent businessman Mike Case […]

Inmates to trial on drug charges

Inmates to trial on drug charges

Two Majuro prison inmates, accused of illegal possession and sale of drugs, will be heading to separate trials following their preliminary hearings in the High Court late last month. Lennon Tami Declaro — also known as Tommy Declaro — and Ranson Riklon were charged together by the Attorney General’s office earlier this year following a […]

Podcast details Rongelap evacuation

Podcast details Rongelap evacuation

GIFF JOHNSON As a prelude to the 40th anniversary of the evacuation of Rongelap Islanders to Mejatto Island in Kwajalein in 1985, Radio New Zealand and ABC Radio Australia have produced a five-part podcast that details the Rongelap story — in the context of “The Last Voyage of the Rainbow Warrior,” the name of the […]

Warm welcome for Taiwan Pres. Lai

Warm welcome for Taiwan Pres. Lai

GIFF JOHNSON Friendship and a welcoming spirit was on full display Tuesday for the visit of Taiwan President Lai Ching-te. The red carpet airport greeting — featuring a hug of welcome between Lai and President Hilda Heine, CMI students singing, Marshallese and Taiwanese holding banners and signs of welcome, and a police honor guard — […]

No control of alien in RMI

No control of alien in RMI

Journal 12/4/1987 P7 Crush of the crowdsGibson’s looked like downtown Manhattan at rush hour on Monday night during a special late night sale at the Delap store. Plenty of bargain hunters turned up for the sale. P18 ‘Schools a failure’The Marshall Islands education system is a “conspicuous failure” and has “never worked,” reported Marshall Islands […]

Rafael retires after 40 years

Rafael retires after 40 years

HILARY HOSIA When it comes to photocopiers, printers and fax machines, Rafael Juntila at Majuro’s Office Mart is probably the most well-versed technician in the country. And it’s not surprising, considering his 40 years on the job keeping electronic equipment functioning for government offices, businesses and private individuals. The way Rafael explains the functionality and […]

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