Beach Lodge opens doors

Happy occasion: At the Beach Lodge opening in Majuro Saturday night, from left: Vice Speaker Peterson Jibas, MIDB Managing Director Dwight Heine, owners Harry Doulatram and Ace Doulatram, Nitijela Member David Paul, contractor Scott Howe and daughter Chloe. Photo: Wilmer Joel.


The word luxury was evident at the blessing ceremony and open house last Saturday for the new Beach Lodge Suites in Majuro.

Seven of the eight rooms were already reserved for use while one of the rooms was on display and featured quality furniture, utensils, and other room accessories.

Father and son duo of Harry and Ace Doulatram welcomed guests warmly as well as VIPs inside of the display room. President David Kabua and First Lady Ginger Kabua alongside their granddaughter Emlain Isla Kabua headlined the turnout for the official blessing ceremony.

Emceeing the program was Public School System’s Instructional Service Center Staff and Marshallese Translator Cheta Anien. “This was the work of manpower,” said Minister of Public Works and Utilities Jiba Kabua speaking on behalf of Lerooj Ester Zedkeia and the government.

Marshall Islands Development Bank Managing Director Dwight Heine said that he hoped the complex will improve economic development in the local communities.

Lijoni Club closed off the event on a high note by serenading with Marshallese songs and a lively biit performance.


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