Back In The Day

Women being left behind

Women being left behind

Journal 9/20/1983 P1 Nitijela passes resolution that approves Compact Nitijela September 20 approved by a vote of 21 for and five against Resolution No. 27 to approve entry into the Compact of Free Association. Opposition members objected to the resolution for not waiting for certification of the results of the plebiscite by the Chief Electoral […]

Spit law violators caught

Spit law violators caught

Journal 9/9/1983 P1 Aet vote leading by 72% The Yes or Aet votes have a comfortable lead by a thousand votes with all the Ratak atoll ballots, including heavily pro-Compact Majuro, counted. With the exception of Wotje, where ehte No votes easily won and a close margin at Maloelap, all the Marshall Islands Atomic Testing […]

Who won ’06 All-Mike?

Who won ’06 All-Mike?

Journal 9/2/1983 P4 Ataji: Compact should be renegotiated Senator Ataji Balos said he thinks the Compact should be renegotiated to eliminate the bad aspects. Balos said August 30 he wants a better deal for the Kwajalein, radiation-affected islands, and others in the Coalition against the Compact. “Why should we be afraid?” he asked. “We are […]

Burglaries worry police

Burglaries worry police

Journal 8/26/1983 P3 Workshop finished A workshop to deal with the developing problem of juvenile delinquency ended August 24 at the court house here. Saipan-based juvenile specialist Ted Glenn went through explanations regarding report filing, handling cases in four and methods of interviewing nine local residents who participated in the workshop. Those local residents are: […]

Drifters get to Marshalls

Drifters get to Marshalls

Journal 8/19/1983 P1 Compact is called tyne best last hope The Compact of Free Association is the best last hope for the people of the Marshall Islands to be included in the American political family, President Amata Kabua said in his address to the Marshallese people at Nitijela last Friday. P1 Coalition starts campaigning Kwajalein […]

EPA funds waste removal

EPA funds waste removal

Journal 8/12/1983 P1 Nitijela asks questions of MIATLP lawyer In a long Nitijela committee meeting, Republic citizens listened to Marshall Islands Atomic Testing Litigation Project lawyer Richard Gerry being questioned for over five hours as Nitijela members asked questions ranging from the 177 Section of the Compact to the MIATLP cases to his and his […]

MEC plant catches fire

MEC plant catches fire

Journal 8/9/1983 P1 Pres. Kabua denies making offer President Amata Kabua denied that his government renewed an offer to dispose of Japan’s nuclear waste on an uninhabited island in the Marshalls when Bikini Senator Henchi Balos asked if it is true Kabua offered Bikini Atoll. Kabua defended land storage saying that ocean dumping would contaminate […]

Registry puts on weight

Registry puts on weight

Journal 8/2/1983 P1 Nitijela opens Nearly 50 years under the Trusteeship system is a long time, President Amata Kabua said in his brief remarks this morning at Nitijela’s opening day for the final session for the year. President Kabua noted also that during this session things are going to be a little different from previous […]

Bible now in Kajin Majol

Bible now in Kajin Majol

Journal 7/26/1983 P1 Bible translation celebration held The Marshallese people on July 25 became the second group of people in Micronesia (Kusians were the first) who now can read the world’s best seller — the Bible — in its entirety in their own language. Copies of the Bible were presented to members of the Translation […]

Life on Ebeye unbearable

Life on Ebeye unbearable

Journal 7/19/1983 P4 Complete Bible translation to be celebrated The new translation of the complete Bible will be dedicated Sunday July 24 at Uliga Church. The work of more than 15 years will be dedicated at a celebration service led by the leaders of the United Church of Christ, the Roman Catholic Church, the Assembly […]

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