Back In The Day

US-RMI talks on nukes fail

US-RMI talks on nukes fail

Journal 5/4/1982 P1 US and Marshalls far apart on radiation pact The governments of the United States and the Marshall Islands are still talking about political status matters but negotiations on an agreement on compensation and programs for radiation-affected people have virtually ended. The lawyers for the Marshall Islands Atomic Testing Litigation Project (MIATLP) representing […]

Many May 1 anniversaries

Many May 1 anniversaries

Journal 4/30/1982 P1 Zeder says he came to settle radiation claims US Ambassador Fred Zeder has his marching orders from President Reagan to settle all radiation from nuclear testing claims in the Marshall Islands in a subsidiary agreement to the Compact of Free Association. Zeder was the lead off speaker in the formal opening April […]

CEO okays postal votes

Journal 4/20/1982 P3 Ebeye group in Majuro A group from the Ebeye Catholic Women’s Club is presently in Majuro visiting the Majuro Catholic Women’s Club. The group is headed by Fr. Leonard Hacker, SJ. P7 Classifieds ARE YOU AFRAID of people like Ron Reagan, Haig (the man, not the drink!) and Thatcher? If so join […]

UCC inducts Iroij deacons

Journal 4/13/1982 P1 Cutoffs bring results The disconnection threat made by Public Works April 1 concerning delinquent customers of the government utility service must have worked because Public Works is $120,000 richer today from the money it collected from its customers. Public Works secretary Noel Bigler said even though there were over 400 houses that […]

Fire engulfs 12 homes

Journal 4/6/1982 P6 Yap Governor: Development a matter of survival Yap Governor John Mangefel declared last week that emphasis would shift to economic development as his administration’s number one priority. “The state of Yap, like the rest of the FSM, needs economic development: not as a matter of principle or because ‘it would be nice’ […]

Jaluit wins math comp

Jaluit wins math comp

Journal 3/26/1982 P1 Old Gateway Hotel coming down The old Eastern gateway Hotel structure is going to be torn down this one one wing at a time, according to Gateway/Nauru Local Government Council Majuro Manager John Bill. This week the south wing will be torn down to make room for the new hotel complex that […]

Bigler puts a cap on debt

Bigler puts a cap on debt

Journal 3/19/1982 P1 Court to open with swearing in ceremony The Chief Justice of the High Court of the Marshall Islands, John Lanham, is scheduled to be sworn into office on March 19 and officially open the High Court for legal business. There are approximately 100 pending cases from the Trust Territory courts. P1 Over […]

Colonel ‘salutes’ Bikinians

Colonel ‘salutes’ Bikinians

Journal 3/9/1982 P1 Colonel admits mistakes but proud of US-Marshalls relationship Colonel Peter Witteried said at the Kili Airport/Bikini Day celebration that the United States made some honest mistakes with the Marshallese people. “I don’t think we Americans have to be ashamed of our mistakes,” said Witteried. “I am proud of the relationship. Col. Witteried […]

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