News Archive

Ebeye owners make history

Ebeye owners make history

Kwajalein Atoll landowners gave a big thumbs up to development of Ebeye and other islands with the recent signing of a master lease for Ebeye-to-Gugeegue land. The master lease signed January 9 on Ebeye replaces a 30-year master lease that had expired last September 30. The previous lease had provided the Kwajalein Atoll Development Authority […]

Fondly remembering Billy Roberts

Fondly remembering Billy Roberts

GIFF JOHNSON The city of Liverpool’s greatest claim to fame is it gave birth to the music phenomenon known as The Beatles in the 1960s. Fortunately for the Marshall Islands, the world’s most famous rock band wasn’t Liverpool’s only asset. Who could have predicted that when British electrical engineer William F. “Billy” Roberts stepped off […]

Kijiner busy on diplomacy front

Kijiner busy on diplomacy front

RMI Ambassador to Japan Tom Kijiner presented his diplomatic credentials to Indonesia President Joko Widodo earlier this month. He is RMI’s first non-resident ambassador to Indonesia. Ambassador Kijiner was among eight ambassadors to present credentials during the ceremony at the Istana Merdeka Palace in Jakarta. He joined ambassadors from the United States, France, Kingdom of […]

Rairok shows math skills

Rairok shows math skills

The Public School System hosted several open classes last week, including at Rairok Elementary School, as part of sharing teaching techniques among teachers and principals. The open class is a forum where other public school teachers and scholars have the opportunity to observe how a certain school performs, engages with students and provides feedback to […]

Milestone for Majuro’s new hospital

Milestone for Majuro’s new hospital

Pacific International Inc. reached a milestone this week in first phase construction of the new hospital: the concrete floor slab is finished, paving the way for the next stages of building the new surgical ward. PII is the contractor on the project and Beca International is the construction supervisor working for Public Works Project Management […]

Romance on tap for Majuro

Romance on tap for Majuro

HILARY HOSIA Youth Bridge Global is taking us to the Wild West this year with the feature play Oklahoma! The show brings back veteran actors with a mixture of new talents from Assumption, Majuro Baptist Christian Academy, Marshall Islands High School, Majuro Cooperative, College of Marshall Islands and University of South Pacific. The play will […]

MWSC works on action plan

MWSC works on action plan

Majuro Water and Sewer Company is working with international consultants Beca to determine what they need to do to get Majuro’s water and sewer systems up to world standards and to develop a plan to achieve this. MWSC’s General Manager Joseph Batol said that Beca and MWSC have undertaken several field tests and condition assessments […]