By Journal on November 19, 2015
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The latest update from the Electoral Administration is provided below. While tabulating is nearly completed in both Majuro and Ebeye, many of the results are still being inputted into the master result list by Electoral staff. This is why there are still gaps in results for both “regular” and “absentee” votes in most of these […]
By Journal on November 19, 2015
Brenson Wase, David Kramer, David Paul, Kalani Kaneko, Ladie Jack, Mudge Samuel, Nitijela, Sherwood Tibon, Tony Muller
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Monday’s smoothly conducted national election moved into the grind of the ongoing hand count in Majuro and Ebeye early Tuesday morning, where ongoing tabulation meant complete results for all “regular” and “absentee” votes in the Majuro electorate would likely not be available until Friday. In addition to early results showing incumbents being shocked by challengers, […]
By Journal on November 18, 2015
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These vote totals reflect all Majuro “regular” votes for Nitijela and mayor races. Tabulation of votes from all Majuro wards have now been completed as of Wednesday, 11-18-15. The data in this chart is mostly from the Electoral Administration, with some of the wards from poll watcher numbers. Name […]
By Journal on November 18, 2015
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The Electoral Administration provided updated vote tabulation results for the RMI National Election at 8:30am Wednesday November 18, 2015. These updates are provided below. A recount was scheduled for Rita regular votes to begin at 12noon Wednesday. Otherwise, all Majuro regular votes have been tabulated. Kwajalein regular vote tabulation was continuing at Ebeye. Ebeye tabulators […]
By Journal on November 17, 2015
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With Hilary Hosia reporting live from the ICC Early preliminary and unofficial results from the RMI national election showed Tuesday evening that several government party candidates are facing strong challenges. In Majuro, incumbent Phillip Muller was in sixth place in a 5-seat race over 150 votes behind the fifth highest vote getter; at Kwajalein incumbent […]
By Journal on November 17, 2015
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Tuesday afternoon, 11/17/15 update from the ICC national election headquarters: Hilary Hosia reporting live from the ICC By 1:30pm Tuesday 11/17/15, a majority of Majuro regular votes have been tabulated. Here is the updated, still unofficial “regular” vote total results with the following wards included: Aenkan, Rongrong, Iolap, Lobat, Lomar, Woja, Ajeltake, Rairok and Uliga […]
By Journal on November 17, 2015
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Tuesday morning, 11/17/15 update from the ICC national election headquarters: Tabulation of 2015 RMI national election in full swing at ICC in Majuro, Tuesday morning November 17, 2015. Multiple Majuro wards being counted now, with 5 of 13 regular ward counts complete. Jaluit absentee from Majuro just starting. First photo shows Jaluit poll watchers and […]
By Journal on November 15, 2015
drought, El Nino, ENSO, rain, RMI, typhoon, weather
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The El Niño “pendulum” began its long swing back late last month, plunging Majuro and the RMI into the beginning stages of a drought. This does not mean RMI is safely out of the bad weather cycle that has surged around the country throughout the summer. But as the weather system shifts, the RMI has […]
By Journal on November 14, 2015
Dr. Transform Aqorau, Maurice Brownjohn, New Zealand, PNA, skipjack, tuna
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The visit to Majuro this week by a New Zealand team reviewing commercial tuna management schemes highlights a growing debate between the eight PNA members and distant water fishing nations. The conflict centers on whether “catch limits” are better than “effort limits,” which is what PNA uses to manage the skipjack tuna fishery. Effort limits […]
By Journal on November 13, 2015
Alvin Jacklick, David Paul, Election, Iroij Jurelang Zedkaia, Iroij Mike Kabua, Jeban Riklon, Nidel Lorak, Tomaki Juda, Tony deBrum
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GIFF JOHNSON Elections here difficult to predict. While we’ve seen community discontent expressed in various ways concerning declining government services over the past few years, this discontent at the national level doesn’t necessarily translate to votes at the atoll level, which are usually according to family ties. Then there is a potentially huge offshore vote […]