News Archive

RMI dengue cases keep rising

RMI dengue cases keep rising

GIFF JOHNSON In response to the first laboratory-confirmed case of dengue fever in Majuro last Friday, the Ministry of Health and Human Services late Friday curtailed passenger travel to remote outer islands. The government is attempting to prevent the spread of the virus to outer islands by halting air and ship passenger travel. “The goal […]

Hilda reels in climate aid

Hilda reels in climate aid

At the margin of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIFS) Leaders meeting last week in Tuvalu, President Hilda Heine met with Jerry Velasquez, Director of the Green Climate Fund’s Division of Mitigation and Adaptation. The meeting was to discuss the on-going GCF program, in particular the Water and Coastal Adaptation Program in the Marshall Islands. President […]

Marshall Islands Resort active ’23’

Marshall Islands Resort active ’23’

HILARY HOSIA Marshall Islands Resort has a lot to celebrate in its 23rd anniversary this week Friday and Saturday — for starters the state-owned enterprise performs in an outstanding manner for a once heavily-subsidized entity. RMI government audits of the Resort show a well-managed entity. Perhaps most important is the bottom line in the latest […]

RMI canoes feature in Forum talks

RMI canoes feature in Forum talks

KELLY LORENNIJ The Micronesian region is transitioning to sustainable ocean transport for inter-island services, a move that is spearheaded by the Micronesian Center for Sustainable Transport that is based in the University of the South Pacific in the Marshall Islands. The Center’s Michael Traut outlined the steps that are being taken to make this transition […]

Sun, wind power water-makers

Sun, wind power water-makers

KELLY LORENNIJ The front line defense against climate change is renewable energy – solar, wind, water, and waste as alternative sources that will provide power in lieu of carbon-emitting fossil fuels such as diesel. Renewable energy was the focus of the Association of Pacific Legislatures general assembly held at the Nitijela recently, and such alternative […]

Talks to extend Compact $$ start

Talks to extend Compact $$ start

GIFF JOHNSON The big news coming from several hours of meetings on Pohnpei Monday between US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and President Hilda Heine and leaders of the FSM and Palau is Pompeo’s announcement that negotiations to extend Compact funding agreements have begun. The post-2023 period, when US grant funding for RMI and FSM […]

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