News Archive

United aborts Majuro flight after engine fire

United aborts Majuro flight after engine fire

KELLY LORENNIJ On board UA flight 132 United Airlines flight 132 with 142 passengers onboard was forced to turn around shortly after takeoff from Honolulu International Airport earlier this week when the aircraft’s port-side engine began spewing flames.The engine compression unit caught fire, aborting the Sunday (Hawaii time) Island Hopper destined for Majuro and points […]

ADB expands funding to islands

ADB expands funding to islands

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) will expand support to help the Pacific islands to help build stronger resilience to global economic shocks, disasters, and climate change, ADB President Takehiko Nakao said at the recent 52nd Annual Meeting of ADB’s Board of Governors in Fiji. Speaking to Pacific Developing Member Country (DMC) Governors, Nakao said the […]

Trump meets FAS ‘family’

Trump meets FAS ‘family’

GIFF JOHNSON President Hilda Heine joined with Palau and Federated States of Micronesia presidents in a historic meeting with President Donald Trump Wednesday (Majuro date) at the White House — the first time the three presidents from the freely associated states have met an American president as a group. In lead up meetings with Interior […]

Milañ engages in Japan exchange

Milañ engages in Japan exchange

KELLY LORENNIJ Three young women from the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, and Palau recently completed the 10-day Micronesian Young Leaders Program under the Association for Promotion of International Cooperation (APIC) in Japan. Milañ Loeak, managing director of Lieom N. Corporation, her family’s investment company, was selected from the RMI on the invitation of […]

Robo fun in FSM

Robo fun in FSM

Student robotics clubs from six high schools across Pohnpei State gathered earlier this month for the Micronesian capital’s first-ever Robo Day. Each team fielded a robot that they built, programmed and customized to compete on a customized course. Drivers raced their robots through timed rounds, battling to gain points by pushing, dropping, and throwing tennis […]

AMI performs engine change on Aur Atoll

AMI performs engine change on Aur Atoll

One of Air Marshall Islands Dornier aircraft suffered an engine problem at Aur Atoll requiring an engine change. In just three days, AMI engineers had the problem diagnosed, an engine dispatched and installed on Aur, and the plane back in the air. AMI’s ability to get the Dornier back into service despite its grounding on […]

Wase: Help vulnerable islands

Wase: Help vulnerable islands

KELLY LORENNIJ Marshall Islands Finance Minister Brenson Wase delivered a statement on behalf of the 15 Pacific Developing Member Countries (DMCs) of ADB during the 2019 Pacific Governors’ Meeting with Asian Development Bank President Takehiko Nakao, who co-chaired the meeting alongside Wase. Wase highlighted two emerging issues: first, concerns on the European Union’s unilateral and […]

Games track facility launched

Games track facility launched

HILARY HOSIA What was once a dream became a reality last Thursday with the groundbreaking ceremony for the 2022 Micronesian Games site at Jenrok village in Majuro. During the event, landlords officially signed the 60-year lease before VIPs broke the ground with golden shovels. Minister of Works, Infrastructure and Utilities Tony Muller offered words of […]

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