By Journal on December 13, 2018
billard club, billards, Ippen Dron Billard Club
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The Ippen Dron Billiard Club (IDBC) spent an entire day cleaning the grounds of Majuro hospital last Saturday. You heard that right, the billiard club is giving back to the community and on a Saturday of all days — but, before happy-hour — of course. Read more about this in the December 14, 2018 edition […]
By Journal on December 13, 2018
All-Micronesia, Emilio Maddison, Mackson Jobwa, Marshall Islands Journal, Michio Maddison, Moses Langinlur, Preacher Lemari, Sailas Benjamin
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The Journal receives visitors each week — most of who bring business and news-related items. This unique group of visitors, however, wanted it to be known that they are hotter than all the former Miss Billfishes and Miss All Mikes whose posters decorate the Journal’s production office.
By Journal on December 13, 2018
Amata Kabua, Hilda Heine, Jennifer Hawley, John Silk, RMI-Japan
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At Saturday night’s closing dinner event to mark Japan and RMI’s 30-years of diplomatic relations at the International Conference Center, Jennifer Hawley, granddaughter of founding father and first president Amata Kabua was presented with a commemorative stamp from the government of Japan. President Hilda Heine and Minister John Silk received similar commemorative stamps Read more […]
By Journal on December 6, 2018
Kelly Lorennij, Laura Freeman, typhoon, USP
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KELLY LORENNIJ Among the exercises conducted during last week’s two-day typhoon tabletop exercise, participants were able to draft an initial response plan, produce a situation report and learn how to request international disaster assistance.
By Journal on December 6, 2018
Bishop Museum, jaki-ed, Melanie Ide, UNDP Small Grants Program, weaving
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The University of South Pacific, in cooperation with Bishop Museum and the Marshallese traditional weaving revival program marked the 10-year anniversary of the jaki-ed program with an exhibit and silent auction at Bishop Museum in Honolulu Sunday.
By Journal on December 6, 2018
Dustin Langidrik, Ebeye, Karen Earnshaw, MISCO, Okeanos
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KAREN EARNSHAW The Marshall Islands Service Corporation (MISCo) sold nearly four tons of food in Ebeye last week, producing smiles all around the tiny Kwajalein island, especially from family cooks.
By Journal on November 29, 2018
aquatic nursery, Athelta Slinger, coral, coral farming, Rongelap
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KELLY LORENNIJ While the RMI plummets into coral bleaching devastation, the Slinger coral farm in Rairok is flourishing even as it undergoes ongoing expansion. Athelta Slinger is fulfilling a dream with a group of women and young girls at the helm of the initiative, their aim to change social mindsets and to rebuild their personal […]
By Journal on November 29, 2018
Dustin Langidrik, Ebeye, Marshall Islands Service Corporation, Okeanos
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What happens when you cross Okeanos with Marshall Islands Service Corporation’s local food market? The answer: food market on sail. In an historic first, MISCo and Okeanos teamed up last week with the intention of showcasing a local food market on Ebeye.
By Journal on November 29, 2018
ambassador, Carl Ingram, Hilda Heine, John Silk, Neijon Edwards, Russell Edwards
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For the first time in its history, the Marshall Islands has two women ambassadors serving simultaneously. Last Friday, High Court Chief Justice Carl Ingram conducted the oath of office ceremony for Neijon Edwards, who is the new Marshall Islands Ambassador to the Republic of China/Taiwan. She joins long-serving RMI Ambassador to the UN Amatlain Kabua […]
By Journal on November 22, 2018
Ben Graham, Bruce Kijiner, Catalino Kijiner, Crawford & Associates, Donald Capelle, Jiba Kabua, Johnathen Kawakami, Justina Langidrik, May Bing, Performeter, Phil Philippo
News Archive

The financial health and accountability of the Marshall Islands showed its best results on record in FY2017, according to the annual Performeter report. The Performeter analysis uses financial indicators and ratios to assess the government’s financial performance and sustainability.