By Journal on June 7, 2024
Antari Elbon, Caroline Reid, Danyia Note, MOCIA, Paul Wilson, Save Filolita, Wisely Zackhras, WUTMI
Feature Articles

The Marshall Islands is receiving a boost from Australia for hosting an important regional women’s conference in Majuro in late July. Australia is providing $100,000 to the Ministry of Culture and Internal Affairs (MOCIA) and Women United Together Marshall Islands (WUTMI) to support WUTMI’s participation at the upcoming Triennial Conference of Pacific Women – scheduled […]
By Journal on July 20, 2023
Antari Elbon, Darlene Keju-Johnson, Fukushima, Hilary Hosia, Hirata Kabua, Kazunari Tanaka, Koboj Langrine, Marshall Islands Mayors Association, MIMA, Telmong J. Kabua, Telmong Kabua, Yukiko Hata
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA The idea of Japan releasing waste water from a nuclear power plant into the ocean did not sit well with local mayors attending the Marshall Islands Mayors Association summit at the International Conference Center over the weekend. The mayors, most of whom are avid fishermen, disliked the idea of what they perceive as […]
By Journal on May 4, 2023
25th ROC-RMI anniversary, 44th Constitution Day, Antari Elbon, Chung-kwang Tien, Claret Chong Gum, David Kabua, Esther Zedkaia, Ginger kabua, Lejje Loeak, Marcus Stephen, Pan Shi, RMI 44th anniversary, Wilmer Joel, Yoland Jurelang
News Archive

WILMER JOEL Hundreds of people from all walks of life converged at Delap Park Monday to celebrate RMI’s 44th Constitution Day – an annual commemoration that honors the founding of the Constitution, which came into effect on May 1, 1979. The theme of this year’s Constitution Day is “Idik Tur Eo” (shake the arsenal or […]
By Journal on March 9, 2023
Alson Kelen, Amata Kabua, Andrew Williamson, Antari Elbon, Berlida deBrum, Bravo bomb, Carnie Reimers, David Kabua, Dr. Martin Luther King, Ellen Chong Gum, Henry Kissinger, Hiroshi Yamamura, Josen Teico, National Nuclear Commission, Nuclear Victim Remembrance Day, Roxanne Cabral, Wilmer Joel
News Archive

WILMER JOEL One of the darkest chapters in our nation’s history was observed nationwide during the 35th Nuclear Victim Remembrance Day and 69th anniversary of the Bravo hydrogen bomb test last Wednesday — March 1 — focused on the theme “kūrtiplọk” or perseverance. This annual event commemorates the devastating repercussions and injustices experienced by victims […]
By Journal on December 1, 2022
Antari Elbon, Brenson Wase, Cathleen Zedkaia Alfred, Hilary Hosia, Joe Bejang, land lease agreement, Landowners okay water use, Laura freshwater, Marshall Islands Resort, Ministry of Culture and Internal Affairs, Mudge Samuel, renewed, Tony Muller
News Archive

Continued use of Laura freshwater lens will be available to the general public following renewed land lease agreement between Majuro landowners and government officials Tuesday at Marshall Islands Resort. Seven landowners representing the seven land parcels where freshwater is often pumped into the Majuro reservoirs were present for the signing ceremony, which was presided by […]
By Journal on October 4, 2019
Amata Kabua, Antari Elbon, Antonio Eliu, Hilary Hosia, Hilda Heine, Imata Jabro Kabua, Katwell Jormelu, Kenneth Kedi, Michael Kabua, Rev. Palukne Johnny
News Archive

Flags began flying at half staff earlier this week to honor the late Iroojlaplap and President Imata Jabro Kabua, who died in Honolulu last month. A large crowd turned out Tuesday at Amata Kabua International Airport to greet the US Marines aircraft that transported Kabua’s family and his remains from Honolulu. He was transported directly […]
By Journal on September 7, 2018
Antari Elbon, KMWR, Larry Muller, V7AB
Feature Articles

A memorandum of agreement between V7AB Radio Marshall Islands and KMWR 98.9 FM Radio in Springdale, Arkansas was established last month