Asian Development Bank

GIZ backs RMI’s sustainable ships

GIZ backs RMI’s sustainable ships

The Marshall Islands continues to move forward in its commitment to sustainable maritime transport with the continued support of the German government. The German Cooperation Agency (GIZ) facilitated a high-level RMI delegation visit to Manila last month led by Minister of Transport Hilton Kendall. The delegation included Ambassador Albon Ishoda, Presidential Special Envoy for Maritime […]

Decades old problem to get fix

Decades old problem to get fix

HILARY HOSIA A decades long problem for the Majuro Water and Sewer Company — and the 20,000 residents of Majuro Atoll — is about to be eliminated following the injection of $14.9 million in US funding to replace the sewer outfall located oceanside of the MWSC headquarters in Delap. News of the long-awaited dream was […]

ADB’s biggest grant to RMI

ADB’s biggest grant to RMI

The Asian Development Bank and the RMI government signed off last week on the bank’s largest-ever grant to the Marshall Islands. The $52.5 million grant will be focused on fresh water, sanitation and solid waste management improvements on both Majuro and Ebeye. The largest portion of the grant will be directed toward Majuro Water and […]

Mental health gets boost

Mental health gets boost

The first mental health facility of its kind in the RMI was opened last Friday with much fanfare.Speeches, ribbon cutting and a live band last Friday afternoon at Majuro hospital highlighted the opening of the country’s first “Mental Health Iakwe Ward.” The need for a crisis holding facility at the hospital was known for many […]

RMI hands out Covid $$

RMI hands out Covid $$

EVE BURNS and HILARY HOSIA Vulnerable families received Asian Development Bank Covid relief funding from Ministry of Finance this past week. The funds being distributed were from a $1.5 million Covid grant provided by the Asian Development Bank. Finance used the Early Childhood Development (ECD) program’s list of vulnerable families to identify the families in Majuro […]

School lunches improve attendance

School lunches improve attendance

EVE BURNSThe lunch program for public schools has always been a big help to local schools, particularly in student attendance, which is measurably higher on days with provided lunches. Delap Elementary School Vice Principal David Robert told the Journal that the lunch program helps with the school attendance. The school sees a 10-15 percent improvement […]

Water flows for Ebeye

Water flows for Ebeye

Kwajalein’s utility company KAJUR is now operating two newly installed reverse osmosis units purchased from the Australian-based company Osmoflo. KAJUR gave its “operational acceptance” of the Desalination Plant Project on Ebeye. Osmoflo designed, supplied and installed two seawater reverse osmosis plants with a total capacity for producing close to half a million gallons of drinking water per day. The […]