By Journal on January 9, 2020
cmi, EPA, Kwajlein, Majuro, Moriana Phillips, Pacloos
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What does ocean observing mean and how does it work? You can find out by attending an upcoming Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS) two-day workshop in Majuro January 21-22. Hands-on activities and presentations will answer those questions. Participants will learn how to access coastal and ocean data, explore instruments that are used for ocean […]
By Journal on November 28, 2019
cmi, Hilary Hosia, Ninitha Note, SBG
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA The College of Marshall Islands is preparing to combat the spread of cocaine and methamphetamine following a survey indicating some college students are using illicit drugs. The survey of 326 students shows 12 percent have tried cocaine while 13 percent have experienced methamphetamine (also known as “ice”). One third of the students who […]
By Journal on November 14, 2019
cmi, GED, Hilary Hosia, Jaluit
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA One of the best developments in the Marshall Islands today is happening in Jaluit Atoll thanks to the symbiotic relationship between the College of Marshall Islands’ Jaluit Distance Education Center and the locals of Jaluit. Lately, the CMI extension program has hired locals only to work in the expansion of its campus, namely […]
By Journal on October 4, 2019
cmi, CMI’s Arrak Campus, Kelly Lorennij, Vigna Marina, Vincent Enriquez
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KELLY LORENNIJ In Pacific island countries like the Marshall Islands, the sea offers more than land. But at the Land Grant program under the College of the Marshall Islands that is based in Arrak village, aquaculture complements agriculture and vice versa. “Land Grant serves the RMI and the people of RMI based on their needs,” […]
By Journal on June 6, 2019
cmi, Daisy Alik Momotaro, Jaluit, Telphina Philimon
News Archive

Telphina Philimon graduated from the College of the Marshall Islands Distant Learning Center in Jaluit Atoll with an AA degree in Education Tuesday, the first person to graduate since the addition of CMI extension programs on Jaluit.Telphina graduated alongside 16 Adult Basic Education students as part of CMI’s many programs. Read more about this in […]
By Journal on May 15, 2019
Ajidrik's Restaurant, cmi, Debrum, Mason Altiery, President Note, RMI, Roselind Matthew
Back In The Day
Journal May 11, 1982 P1 Ajidrik Restaurant to reopen under RN management What used to be called “Ajidrik Restaurant” is now an RN Restaurant, renamed after the new wife and husband management team of Norman and Roselind Matthew, owner of what used to be called the “Runway Snack Shop,” which is now also called RN […]
By Journal on October 12, 2018
cmi, College of the Marshall Islands, Ebeye, Nitijela
Back In The Day

Journal 10/16/1981 P2 $24M budget for FY1982 The Nitijela Appropriation bill for FY1982 proposed by Minister of Finance Atjang Paul (Ailinglaplap) shows an anticipated $24.7 million for the fiscal year beginning October 14. Revenue comes from four sources: local revenues, US grant general funds, special US agency grants, and foreign aid from Japan. Paul commended […]
By Journal on August 23, 2018
Alfredo Quiani, Anfernee Nenol Kaminaga, Carlon Zackhras, cmi, College of the Marshall Islands, International Office of Migration, IOM, Joan Bwijtak, Kelly Lorennij, Patsy Glad
News Archive

KELLY LORENNIJ A two-day film project on the internal migration of Marshallese youth highlighted culture, challenges, and solutions in the outer islands and atolls. A total of 12 participants from college and high school were recruited, with the help of CMI first-year and Ri-Majuro Molly Alik, for this International Office of Migration (IOM) and Okeanos […]
By Journal on June 28, 2018
cmi, Hilary Hosia, Jabor, Jaluit
News Archive

The establishment of the College of Marshall Islands’ Distance Education Center on Jabor has been beneficial to students living on Jaluit. The facility is equipped with state of the art equipment that allows college and Adult Basic Education (ABE) students on Jabor to engage with instructors at the main campus in Majuro. The air-conditioned school […]
By Journal on February 1, 2018
Berlyann Labija, cmi, David Willbanks, Ettonaak, Jaerin Chang, Junjun Jamore, Kelly Lorennij, Marshall Islands, Neine Rear, Richard Newman, Ronald Jorthan, Theresa Koroivulaono
Feature Articles

KELLY LORENNIJ “Ettonaak,” CMI’s literary magazine, started off the new semester with a reading for its second issue, which comprised 11 poems and one short story. In addition to an open mic section, the reading featured writers who contributed to the first and second issues. The magazine, a product of the Liberal Arts Department at […]