By Journal on August 31, 2017
Chris Sebastian, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, cmi, CMI Media, College of the Marshall Islands, Craig Preston, Dr. Theresa Koroivulaono, Isaac Marty, Moses Sumaoang, Nancy Preston, Rubida Hermios, Zedkeia Zedhkeia
News Archive
ISAAC MARTY No more cooking inside the marine science laboratory for College of the Marshall Islands (CMI) Nutrition 114 Class because a new kitchen fully equipped with cookware is now in place. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) provided funding for the new kitchen through its LDS Charities, the church’s humanitarian organization. […]
By Journal on July 27, 2017
cmi, College of the Marshall Islands, Melinda Nish, Monica Jetton, Pell Grant, Rosemi Ishiguro
News Archive
ISAAC MARTY A College of the Marshall Islands “Accelerated Program” to reduce the number of students in the developmental level has shown positive results as a majority of 40 enrolled students passed the summer mid-term test recently. The purpose of the new program is “to get them (students) up very quickly,” said CMI Executive Advisor […]
By Journal on May 12, 2017
38th Constitution Day, cmi, College of the Marshall Islands, Majuro Atoll Waste Company, Marshall Islands Shipping Corporation, RMI-USP
Feature Articles
Prior to the 38th Constitution Day float competition last week, the Constitution Day Committee made an agreement to engage three judges — whose identities were kept secret from the public — to determine the winning floats. The identity of judges was kept secret even from the committee members to make sure there was no inside […]
By Journal on January 6, 2017
Armando Reyes, cmi, College of the Marshall Islands, Moses Sumaoang, nutrition, Rosalene Sumaoang
Feature Articles
ISAAC MARTY The next five to fifty years of our lives depend on nutrition. And nutrition is more than just the food we eat. It includes physical exercise on a daily basis. The Marshall Islands is facing the difficult challenge of high rates of diabetes. Diabetes is the number one Marshallese killer. Solution? Healthy lifestyle. […]
By Journal on September 1, 2016
cmi, College of the Marshall Islands, Gabriella Hitchfield, Hemrita deBrum, Isaac Marty, Maria Jetton Nira Kurn, Narose Jorren
News Archive
ISAAC MARTY New students entering College of the Marshall Islands (CMI) is but one of many new things happening at CMI. Narose Jorren shows that you need a new ID card. Without it, you can’t get your school materials at the bookstore, meals at the on-campus takeout, internet access with the IT Department, and other […]
By Journal on January 22, 2016
Baninnur Club, California, cmi, College of the Marshall Islands, Kiwanis Club, LaJolla, Winder Loeak
News Archive
Ten new bicycles, including helmets and rear flashing lights for the only bikers’ club on island, College of the Marshall Islands based Baninnur Club, were received from Do It Best last week. The items were purchased through a $2,000 grant funded by the Kiwanis Club of LaJolla, California. Baninnur Club co-founder Winder Loeak said there […]