By Journal on February 18, 2021
College of the Marshall Islands, Karen Earnshaw, Kathryn Relang, Rachel Solemsaas, University of Hawaii, WASC
News Archive

KAREN EARNSHAW The College of the Marshall Islands Board of Regents chair, Kathryn Relang, is both nervous and excited to soon welcome Commissioners of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges to the CMI campus. Nervous because this will be her first WASC visit as chair; excited “because their visit gives us an opportunity to […]
By Journal on November 12, 2020
College of the Marshall Islands, headon
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A two car crash in Ajeltake Sunday morning left one driver dead and sent more than six people to the hospital for treatment of injuries. It took three ambulances to transport the accident victims to Majuro hospital. The driver of an off-duty taxi, CMI student Manita “Lala” Albious, was pronounced dead on arrival at Majuro […]
By Journal on August 21, 2020
College of the Marshall Islands, John Zedkaia, Upward Bound, Wilmer Joel
Feature Articles

WILMER JOEL As a team reaches the peak of a mountain, they have conquered the mountain and can move forward to the next challenge. But will never forget the steps it took to reach the top. After four years of attending Upward Bound (UB), the seniors and their parents held a farewell party for the […]
By Journal on June 12, 2020
College of the Marshall Islands, Dr. Irene Taafaki, Wilmer Joel
Feature Articles

Dr. Irene Taafaki took over as the new President of the College of the Marshall Islands June 1 in an inauguration ceremony at the Uliga campus. Taafaki, who has led the University of the South Pacific program and now campus in Majuro for decades, praised her predecessor, outgoing CMI President Dr. Theresa Koroivulaono, for leaving […]
By Journal on October 12, 2018
cmi, College of the Marshall Islands, Ebeye, Nitijela
Back In The Day

Journal 10/16/1981 P2 $24M budget for FY1982 The Nitijela Appropriation bill for FY1982 proposed by Minister of Finance Atjang Paul (Ailinglaplap) shows an anticipated $24.7 million for the fiscal year beginning October 14. Revenue comes from four sources: local revenues, US grant general funds, special US agency grants, and foreign aid from Japan. Paul commended […]
By Journal on September 6, 2018
College of the Marshall Islands, Distance Education Center, Jabor, Jaluit
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College of the Marshall Islands Distance Education Center on Jabor, Jaluit launched community projects over the summer that benefited Adult Basic Education students and the Jabor community.
By Journal on September 6, 2018
Arrak Campus, Bego Alik, College of the Marshall Islands
News Archive

For the first time in its history, College of Marshall Islands is separating student residents by placing male students at the Arrak Campus and female students in the main campus in Uliga.
By Journal on August 23, 2018
Alfredo Quiani, Anfernee Nenol Kaminaga, Carlon Zackhras, cmi, College of the Marshall Islands, International Office of Migration, IOM, Joan Bwijtak, Kelly Lorennij, Patsy Glad
News Archive

KELLY LORENNIJ A two-day film project on the internal migration of Marshallese youth highlighted culture, challenges, and solutions in the outer islands and atolls. A total of 12 participants from college and high school were recruited, with the help of CMI first-year and Ri-Majuro Molly Alik, for this International Office of Migration (IOM) and Okeanos […]
By Journal on July 12, 2018
College of the Marshall Islands, Ione deBrum, Jaluit High School, Marshalls Christian High School
News Archive

A group of 40 students is spending part of their summer working on Ebon Atoll. Ebon Mayor Ione deBrum organized for the group of students from Jaluit High School, Marshalls Christian High School at Rongrong Island and the College of the Marshall Islands to engage in a summer of “learning and earning.” “They have just […]
By Journal on June 7, 2018
Anderson Jibas, College of the Marshall Islands, Connie Joel, Kelly Lorennij, Laura High School, Thurston Loeak, Wilson Note
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA Following a speech that melted Marshallese hearts on Majuro and on social media, College of Marshall Islands Valedictorian Kelly Lorennij has been named keynote speaker for her alma mater Laura High School’s graduation Wednesday — where she previously spoke as the class valedictorian. LHS and Marshall Islands High School are the last two […]