Compact of Free Association

Presidential get together

Presidential get together

Journal 4/20/1984P1 Electricity costs reduced The RMI reported impressive savings in fuel costs for its new power generating facility in Majuro. MEC’s British-built power plant is producing electricity at a cost of 5.1 cents per kilowatt hour, a substantial savings compared with the 18-to-20 cents per kilowatt hour cost at the old power plant.P3 Amata […]

RMI-US negotiations stall

RMI-US negotiations stall

Journal 8/16/1982 P1 Zeder reported making last try on Compact US Ambassador Fred Zeder will arrive soon in a last ditch effort to resolve Marshalls-US differences on the Compact of Free Association and the conduct of a plebiscite, President Amata Kabua told Nitijela August 13. Foreign Secretary Tony deBrum explained that there was a stalemate […]

Russians criticize US

Russians criticize US

Journal 5/29/1981 P1 Reagan’s Micronesia review group visits Majuro What has been called the Reagan review group left May 27 after maintaining a tight-lipped silence about their visit. “We’re just touring Micronesia,” said Ginger Lew, deputy assistant secretary of State. P7 Soviets question US At the UN Trusteeship Council meeting, the Soviet delegate took a […]

Majuro, Ebeye projects move

Majuro, Ebeye projects move

New Compact-funded construction projects continue to roll out in Majuro and Ebeye. The Ministry of Public Works Project Management Unit recently awarded two new projects: • Ebeye Public Elementary School phase one, awarded to Anil Development. This includes 16 classrooms and relocation of three families/households. • North Delap Elementary phase two (former Head Start facility), […]

Zackios, Short sign Compact of Free Association

Zackios, Short sign Compact of Free Association

Journal 5/2/1975 P1 Will Tinian have a choice? With a plebiscite scheduled for June 17, and the choices being whether to forever become an American “commonwealth” or remain part of the Trust Territory, many islanders here on Tinian feel they will be “forced” by voters on other islands in the Marianas to carry the military […]

US immigration move threatens CoFA approval

US immigration move threatens CoFA approval

Journal 3/14/1975 P1 Someone remembered Depressed by what you read generally in newspapers? Well, here’s some welcome relief: this paper has uncovered a rather nice rid-bit. The patients of Rehab Center at Majuro hospital, a facility that serves all Micronesians, are now enjoying a brand new 19-inch color television set, which was presented to them […]

RMI: ‘Clean up your act’

RMI: ‘Clean up your act’

Journal 12/9/1977 P7 Interior Plumbing and Aeronautics by Joe Murphy Recently a special Committee on Resources and Development appointed by HiCom Adrian Winkel came to Majuro to meet with local authorities and businesspeople to find out what could be learned about the development desires of the Marshallese people. “We have come to see how we […]