
Enewetak: In touch again

Enewetak: In touch again

HILARY HOSIA After two years of zero Internet connectivity, the people of Enewetak finally made contact with families and friends in the outside world through social media following restoration of the island’s Internet this past Sunday. According to the local council, Internet has been down since July 2018. Enewetak is the most northwestern atoll in […]

RRE opens Rairok store

RRE opens Rairok store

Journal 12/24/1982 P1 AMI 748 arriving Christmas eve The Airline of the Marshall Islands’ own BAC748 aircraft is scheduled to arrive 24 December. There was no room for Santa Claus because it is filled with spare parts. There will be an official handover ceremony at the airport for the 48-seat turbo prop plane. The first […]

Enewetak’s helpful excavator

Enewetak’s helpful excavator

The Enewetak Ujelang Local Government celebrated and blessed its new excavator in a ceremony in Majuro last week. It was purchased with a US Department of Interior grant and will ultimately be located at Enewetak to support improvement work for the Enewetak dock and other projects. Until it can find transportation to the northern atoll, […]

Police tarhet gov’t vehicles

Police tarhet gov’t vehicles

Journal 12/8/1982 P1 High spirits The Rongelap airfield was opened Monday by an Airline of the Marshall Islands flight. Rongelap people prepared a welcome including dancing. P1 Power soon Testing on the new power plant is continuing December 8. The number one generator should produce power this week, according to one of the construction managers. […]

Nuclear legacy gets US focus

Nuclear legacy gets US focus

KELLY LORENNIJ Among the important topics discussed by Pacific Island Forum leaders in Tuvalu last month was the issue of nuclear contamination in the region, a long-standing concern stated in previous Forum meetings and official communique statements, as well as health and security issues related to World War II wrecks and unexploded ordnance. This year […]

Study shows RMI’s nuclear hot spots

Study shows RMI’s nuclear hot spots

Radiation levels on Bikini Island are up to 1,000 times higher than samples from areas affected by the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear power plant disasters, newly published research on the Marshall Islands shows. Several new studies were published Monday by the US National Academy of Sciences based on research conducted by scientists with Columbia University […]

Runit captures global concern

Runit captures global concern

GIFF JOHNSON After decades of no one outside the Marshall Islands paying attention to the nuclear waste storage facility known as the Runit Dome, it is increasingly in the international spotlight with attention like never before. Following UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres’ comments of concern last month about possible leakage of radioactivity from the Runit […]

RMI angry at US decisions

RMI angry at US decisions

Journal 1/19/1982 P6 Rep Seiberling hopes for Compact in ’83 US Representative John Seiberling told the welcoming crowd at the Majuro airport that 1982 is too early for completion of a Compact of Free Association. He added that he hoped the matter would be placed on the 1983 congressional agenda. Seiberling is chairman of the […]

Five drifters rescued

Five drifters rescued

Journal 7/17/1981 P1 Enewetak fishermen rescued Two men from Enewetak who were lost at sea in their 13-foot motor boat since June 9 were found and rescued July 9 by the MV Eagle Arrow, about 600 miles west northwest of Enewetak. Both men, Daus Ittu, 29, and Moses Abraham, 30, appeared to be in good […]