By Journal on December 23, 2021
David Kabua, fisheries, Glen Joseph, John Silk, Kiribati, Les Clark, Ludwig Kumoru, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, PNA, PNAO, Sangaa Clark, tuna, Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission annual session, which concluded on December 6.
News Archive

New PNA Office CEO Dr. Sangaa Clark, her husband Les Clark and MIMRA Director Glen Joseph made a courtesy call on President David Kabua and his Cabinet members earlier in the month. The RMI is playing two roles in relation to the Parties to the Nauru Agreement, said Joseph: As a member of the PNA […]
By Journal on January 10, 2019
fisheries, Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority, MIMRA, Pacific International Inc.
Feature Articles

Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority staff began moving into their new three-story headquarters located in Delap at the end of last week, as construction work is largely completed.
By Journal on December 20, 2018
Ace Capelle, Charleston Deive, fisheries, Francisco Blaha, Ludwig Kumoru, Marshall Islands Marine Resources, MIMRA, Naiten Bradley Phillip Jr., Noan Pakop, purse seiners, WCPFC
News Archive

A total of 800 fisheries observers are at the front line for Pacific Islands to effectively manage the multi-billion dollar fishing industry in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean.
By Journal on October 25, 2018
fish carrier vessel, fisheries, Majuro, purse seiner, skipjack
News Archive

Port Majuro has been packed with fish carrier vessels and purse seiners engaged in transshipment activity. A total of 14 carrier vessels were counted in Majuro lagoon over the weekend.
By Journal on September 27, 2018
Dr. Salome Taufa, Dr. Transform Aqorau, fisheries, Pacific Catalyst, Pacific Islands region
News Archive

A consortium of educators and international policy experts aims to develop and inspire a new generation of fisheries leaders across the Pacific Islands region. “Pacific Catalyst” is a
By Journal on March 9, 2018
Doreen deBrum, Federated States of Micronesia, fisheries, Kiribati, Ludwig Kumoru, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Parties to the Nauru Agreement, PNA, Rebecca Lathrop, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tuvalu, VDS, Vessel Day Scheme
Feature Articles

Eight PNA countries plus Tokelau celebrated Wednesday night with a groundbreaking ceremony for a new four-story headquarters building, set to replace the old Won Hai Shien building on Uliga Dock on Majuro. Ministers from the member countries donned helmets and vests and shoveled dirt, commemorating the event. The event was held in the lead up […]
By Journal on October 12, 2017
fisheries, Jerry Kramer, Majuro netyard, tuna
News Archive

REBECCA LATHROP Jerry Kramer sees fisheries as the future of the Marshall Islands and Pacific International Inc. (PII) as an integral contributor. His company, PII, which has recently created what many captains say is the best net yard in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean, is seeing increased activity and positive return on the investment. […]
By Journal on October 6, 2017
Del Monte, fisheries
Back In The Day

Journal 10/8/1973 P7 Cold feet From what we gather from the most recent trip of representatives of the Marshall Islands Development Authority (MIDA) to the mainland US to ascertain the status of Del Monte’s intention to begin a fishing operation in the district, there is not much enthusiasm on the part of the giant food […]
By Journal on February 9, 2017
Berry Muller, fisheries, Glen Joseph, Jr., Laurence Edwards II, MIMRA, Robert Gillett, Samuel Lanwi, SPC
News Archive

The Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority (MIMRA) was singled out for praise by a new book that provides an overview of Pacific fisheries management. The nearly 700-page book says MIMRA is one of the few fisheries departments in the island region that produces an annual report, which is essential for both promoting fisheries and being […]
By Journal on December 15, 2016
Berry Muller, Feleti Teo, fisheries, fishing, Monte Depaune, Rhea Moss-Christian, WCPFC
News Archive

Rhea Moss-Christian was unanimously elected to continue in her post as chairperson of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission for an additional two years. She chaired the regional fisheries management organization for an initial two-year term that ended at last week’s WCPFC annual meeting in Fiji. When the election of chairs for the WCPFC […]