Francyne Wase-Jacklick

KIO celebrates action agenda

KIO celebrates action agenda

EVE BURNS Kora In Okrane (KIO) has been around for 15 years making amazing and beneficial contributions to the Marshall Islands. Last weekend they celebrated their anniversary — and so popular is this organization that people voluntarily donated over $3,000 to KIO during Saturday night event. The KIO ladies turned the Marshall Islands Resort’s Melele […]

UN backs KIO’s project

UN backs KIO’s project

The United Nations Development Program’s GEG Small Grant program is supporting an extension of the KIO Club’s “One Household Per Smokeless Stove Project and Distribution of Water Filters” project for households around the Marshall Islands. KIO Club President Emma Kabua-Tibon and UNDP Program Manager Yoshiko Yamaguchi-Capelle signed the agreement earlier this week. The grand of […]

Women get Canvasback help

Women get Canvasback help

HILARY HOSIA Miracle workers in the form of Canvasback’s visiting OBGYN team screened close to 600 women at Majuro hospital during their recent two-week visit. The number of patients seen, pap tests conducted, cancers identified and surgeries performed underlined the demand for women’s health services in the Marshall Islands. The team identified 13 cancers and […]

Red Cross in high gear

Red Cross in high gear

The Marshall Islands Red Cross will be the subject of a major review starting this weekend that will determine if the organization is ready for admission to international membership. A team of international and Pacific region Red Cross officials will be in RMI from September 15 to 24 to conduct a Joint Assessment Mission. If […]