Glen Joseph

3 island tuna deal signed

3 island tuna deal signed

GIFF JOHNSON For decades, the Marshall Islands and other Pacific Islands struggled with how to generate more revenue from the commercial tuna industry. Now, a three-nation agreement signed Monday in Honiara, Solomon Islands, could be the latest game-changer for Pacific fisheries cooperation. Beginning in the 1980s, island nations for the first time began selling licenses […]

Huge marine sanctuary established

Huge marine sanctuary established

The RMI’s first national marine sanctuary was officially established Tuesday evening at a signing ceremony at the International Conference Center. President Hilda C. Heine joined with Iroojlaplap Boklon Zackious, Minister of Natural Resources and Commerce Tony Muller, Utrok Nitijela Member Hiroshi Yamamura, and Utrok Mayor Tobin Kaiko in signing documents to establish the RMI’s first […]

RMI appeal for climate justice

RMI appeal for climate justice

Marshall Islands Ambassador Doreen deBrum traveled to The Hague in The Netherlands last Friday to officially file the RMI’s written statement on climate change at the International Court of Justice. Ambassador deBrum also filed the Parties to the Nauru Office’s written statement at the request of the office based in Majuro. The Marshall Islands is […]

Pacific tuna hub? Investment needed

Pacific tuna hub? Investment needed

Two studies about the Marshall Islands by the global fish value chain development initiative FISH4ACP show that investing in cold storage facilities and tuna loading equipment can transform the Marshall Islands into a hub for tuna containerization, boosting economic growth and employment, while managing the environmental impact. “Tuna accounts for nearly all fisheries production and […]

Money talks with PNA

Money talks with PNA

Ways to expand the Marshall Islands and PNA members involvement in the multi-billion dollar tuna value chain was a key point of discussions during last week’s third Parties to the Nauru Agreement Leadership Summit. The meeting was held in Kiritimati Island, Kiribati. President David Kabua was among the heads of state participating along with Minister […]

MIMRA to get climate boost

MIMRA to get climate boost

The Micronesia Conservation Trust took a significant step toward bolstering climate resilience in the Northern Pacific Small Island Developing States with the signing of climate-related subsidiary agreements on last week. These agreements were linked with the Palau Protected Areas Network Fund and the Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority (MIMRA) to serve as executing entities for […]

Fisheries and climate linkage

Fisheries and climate linkage

GIFF JOHNSON The Forum Fisheries Committee — representing the 17 members of the Forum Fisheries Agency — met from Monday through Thursday this week at the Marshall Islands Resort’s Melele Room. While the meeting worked on budgets, policies and often mundane topics from the public’s point of view, every FFC meeting translates directly into the […]

MIMRA sees tuna rebound

MIMRA sees tuna rebound

GIFF JOHNSON MIMRA records show that tuna transshipment in Majuro rebounded following the disastrous first year of Covid in 2020, when transshipment plummeted by 60 percent compared to the year before. “Are they coming back?” MIMRA Director Glen Joseph asked rhetorically about the purse seine transshipment operations. “Yes, but a review of the data shows […]

World Tuna Day bash in Majuro

World Tuna Day bash in Majuro

KAREN EARNSHAW The Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority hosted a World Tuna Day 2022 celebration in the HQ parking lot on May 14, the second year it has celebrated the big day at its new facilities. The biggest feature of the afternoon was the slicing and dicing of, what else?, tuna, with the competition divisions […]

Tropical Christmas Wonderland

WILMER JOEL The former capital building was turned into a Tropical Christmas Wonderland illuminated with flickering lights which embellished the entire area during the Christmas Lighting Ceremony last Friday arranged by the RMI government and the Mejerik Club. The venue was packed with children as well as families waiting for the Christmas lights to shimmer […]

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