Hilary Hosia

Christmas time in the city

Christmas time in the city

Christmas time is underway in the Marshall Islands. Stores are playing Christmas music, V7AB is playing holiday tunes, and decorations are going up all around town. So far, Majuro Atoll Local Government has the most impressive display of lights. Meantime, last week Ministry of Works employees were out adorning the street lights along Amata Kabua […]

‘Enra’ program deluged with applicants

‘Enra’ program deluged with applicants

HILARY HOSIA If you are concerned whether you will miss out on the “Enra” registration because you are off island temporarily, well, great news: Registration will continue at Marshall Islands Social Security Administration office after the current initial two-week registration period ends. The Enra program is also known as the Universal Basic Income system, which […]

Kwaj workers strike sparks action

Kwaj workers strike sparks action

HILARY HOSIA A rare and coordinated strike by over 50 Marshallese workers at the US Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll last Friday and Saturday disrupted ferry service for missile range employees and has led to dismissal of two American supervisors by civilian contractor at the missile range. On Saturday, 54 Marine Department employees signed a petition to […]

Pandanus featured in food show

Pandanus featured in food show

HILARY HOSIA The opening of the World Food Day celebrations in Majuro kicked off at Delap Park last Friday with local-style entertainment and competitions. A parade of pandanus-themed floats prepared by several high schools kicked off the event, beginning at Rita and ending at Delap Park. Each high school showcased their unique artistry with displays […]

Laureen honored by Japan

Laureen honored by Japan

HILARY HOSIA Laureen Joab Batol became the first Marshallese to receive the prestigious “Order of The Sacred Treasure, Silver Rays” award that is bestowed only by the Emperor of Japan. Japan Ambassador to Marshall Islands Kazunari Tanaka presented the award to Laureen during a conferring ceremony at the Japanese Embassy in Delap last Thursday. Family […]

‘Enra’ payment program delayed

‘Enra’ payment program delayed

HILARY HOSIA The long-awaited initiative to put cash in people’s pockets is likely to take place sometime next year and not in December as previously predicted by the government. The news came to light last week Wednesday during the discussion between the Enra Taskforce and Parliament Members at a specially-called Committee of the Whole briefing […]

Students shine for Culture Week

Students shine for Culture Week

HILARY HOSIA Grandmothers across the islands were extra busy Sunday evening weaving leis and floral necklaces needed for the observation of culture week starting the next day. Manit Week offered students the opportunity to showcase local fashion trends while learning the history of the Marshallese culture. Specific days called for specific displays of local handicrafts, […]

Nimo saves the day

Nimo saves the day

HILARY HOSIA A civilian was recognized in Parliament this week for his voluntary actions that helped put out a fire in Uliga this past Sunday. Minister of Natural Resources and Commerce Tony Muller, who happens to live next door to the building that was on fire and was a firsthand witness to the ordeal, praised […]