By Journal on October 10, 2024
Eve Burns, Howard Rice, Japan, Waan Aelon in Majel, WAMCat, Wotje Atoll
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EVE BURNS* Ama Town, Japan – Separated by nearly 2,400 miles, a Marshall Islands program and an American in Japan are working to rebuild and maintain a thousand-year old boat building tradition. Howard Rice is a renowned boat builder and maritime enthusiast known for his dedication to preserving traditional boat-building techniques while embracing innovative designs. […]
By Journal on February 29, 2024
Emperor Naruhito, Hilary Hosia, Isaac Zackhras, Japan, Kagami Biraki, Kalani Kaneko, Lanny Kabua, Leikman Zedkaia, Tanaka Kazunari, Witten Philippo
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HILARY HOSIA Marshall Islands joined the rest of the world in celebrating Japan Emperor Naruhito’s 64th birthday at the Marshall Islands Resort last Thursday. In the event, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Kalani Kaneko exchanged toasts with Japan Ambassador Tanaka Kazunari, signifying 35 years of political partnership between the two nations. In his remarks, […]
By Journal on February 1, 2024
airport reservoir, Damian Capelle, El Nino, Eve Burns, fresh and salt water service, generators, Japan, Majuro Water and Sewer Company, MEC, Rita to Laura, United Nations Development Program
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Back up generators to power fresh and salt water service in Majuro are soon to be installed so that service can continue despite ongoing power outages, the general manager of the water company says. Majuro Water and Sewer Company GM Damian Capelle got out in front of the problem last year by ordering back up […]
By Journal on January 13, 2023
Arno, Japan, Laura-Rita run, Makito Murai, Marshalls Japan Construction Company, Matthew Loreto, Tokyo
Feature Articles

WILMER JOEL A Japanese man ran the Majuro equivalent of a marathon — the 30 mile distance from Laura to Rita — this past Saturday. The run was timed for his birthday. Makito Murai, 41, who is from Tokyo, Japan, completed a six-hour Laura-Rita run as a way of saying farewell to Majuro. Murai’s “supporter,” […]
By Journal on September 8, 2022
Alsina Thomas, Amaziah Lamata, Bank of Marshall Islands, Canada, Elmine Emil, Eve Burns, Giff Johnson, Handy Emil, Hong Kong, Japan, Kakom Paul, Laura High School, Majuro Cooperative High School, Marshall Islands United World College (UWC) National Committee, Mathilda Johnson, Reinse Lulu Emil, Simiko Jomuly, UWC, Velma Edwards.
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EVE BURNS, GIFF JOHNSON Marshall Islands United World College (UWC) National Committee selected three intelligent and sharp-witted young ladies as recipients of two-year scholarships to three different UWC schools abroad. UWC is made up of a network of 18 schools on four continents. The majority of them focus on high school, with some also catering […]
By Journal on August 19, 2021
Amy Lacost, Collen Furgeson, Gaku Hashimoto, Japan, Johnathan Jordan, National Olympic Committee, Olympic Games, Phillip Kinono, Terry Sasser, Tokyo
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TERRY SASSER* The July 23 Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games in Tokyo, which took place a year later than planned, was described by global media outlets as “muted,” “somber,” “subdued,” “overshadowed by a pandemic, but defined by hope, tradition and gestures of diversity.” Rio Olympian swimmer Colleen Furgeson, modeling a traditional Marshallese costume provided […]
By Journal on November 20, 2020
Ebeye SDA, International Day, Japan, kimonos
Feature Articles

Students in Japanese kimonos, Samoan Sarongs (dress lavalavas), Hawaiian leis and Pohnpeian skirts jammed the street on Ebeye Tuesday morning — initiating Ebeye Seventh Day Adventist School’s International Day festivities. Each classroom was themed to certain countries and were evaluated by judges. At the end of the day, second graders won first place for overall display […]
By Journal on March 27, 2020
Casten Nemra, David Kabua, Japan, Norio, President Office
Feature Articles

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Casten Nemra and Japan Ambassador Norio Saito signed two exchange notes for two Japan Grant Aid Projects last week. These are: • Economic and Social Development Program with grant aid of 371 million Japanese Yen ($3.3 million) for purchasing diesel fuel for reliable power generation. • Project for the […]
By Journal on February 28, 2020
Casten Nemra, Christopher Loeak, Japan, Kenneth Kedi, Marshall Islands Resort, Mike Kabua, Naruhito, Nitijela, RMI
Feature Articles

The Japan Embassy hosted a reception to celebrate the 60th birthday of Japan’s Emperor Naruhito Monday this week — the first such celebration for Naruhito’s birthday as the new emperor took up the throne in May of last year. The Japan Embassy held a special “moment of silence” in honor of the late Iroojlaplap Lein […]
By Journal on January 2, 2020
Alvin Simon, Cassiano Jetnil, Christmas, Finance, GGp, Japan, Joana Anuntak, Majuro
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Japan Ambassador to the Marshall Islands Norio Saito and the Principal of Majuro Middle School Alvin Simon signed a grant contract for the “Procurement of School Bus Service System of Majuro Middle School” just before Christmas. The grant amount of up to $77,400 is funded through Japan’s Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP). […]