Mailynn Konelios-Lang

Young women death threat

Young women death threat

HILARY HOSIA A massive campaign to prevent, treat and eliminate cervical cancer is underway by the Ministry of Health and Human Services following a financial boost of $100,000 from the United Nations Population Fund. “No one should die from cervical cancer — zero,” MOHHS Deputy Secretary Mailynn Konelios-Lang said during the handover ceremony for the […]

House-to-house a success

GIFF JOHNSON The government ramped up its ongoing Covid vaccination program Monday this week by starting house-to-house immunizations throughout Majuro. The move takes a page out of the measles vaccine program three years ago and the initial start of Covid vaccines in January 2021 by taking the program into the community.Monday’s outreach effort showed the […]

First group of ‘7-dayers’ cleared

First group of ‘7-dayers’ cleared

GIFF JOHNSON The first repatriation group with people who quarantined for only seven days in Hawaii was released from quarantine at Kwajalein and Majuro Wednesday this week, following multiple negative Covid tests, including a final test conducted Tuesday this week prior to release. There will be one more repatriation group after the one that was […]

RMI repatriation moves ahead

RMI repatriation moves ahead

Deputy Chief Secretary Abacca Anjain-Maddison, Deputy Health Secretary Mailynn Konelios-Lang and Public Health Director Dr. Frank Underwood led a public briefing last Friday about the government’s plan for repatriating Marshallese stranded outside RMI, starting with a group of 27 people scheduled to arrive this Saturday. As repatriation moves into gear, some RMI residents and leaders […]

Chicken pox starts, dengue spikes

Chicken pox starts, dengue spikes

EVE BURNSWith Dengue fever going up, the Ministry of Health called all school principals to a meeting at Public School System headquarters last week. Deputy Health Secretary Mailynn Konelios-Lang led the meeting. The meeting was focused on the fact that those affected by dengue are the children who are in school. Marshall Islands have been […]

Senators grill Health officials

Senators grill Health officials

The Ministry of Health faced tough questioning and criticism during Tuesday’s Appropriations Committee hearing at Nitijela. Chairman Senator David Paul, Finance Minister Brenson Wase, Resources and Development Minister Alfred Alfred, Jr., Senator Mike Kabua and other members of the panel asked numerous questions about lack of services being offered at Majuro and Ebeye hospitals and […]

Quick response to Zika

Quick response to Zika

HILARY HOSIA The Ministry of Health moved into emergency action mode after confirmation last Thursday that Majuro has its first case of the Zika virus. After verifying Zika confirmation with the Hawaii laboratory Thursday, in less than two hours a team was set up and dispatched to inspect the home and surrounding area where the […]