By Journal on July 6, 2017
Alex Pinano, Alex Torres, Henri Dunant, Hilda Heine, Jack Niedenthal, Michael Myers, red cross, Richard Anta Maile Sam
News Archive

ISAAC MARTY Over 100 people turned out for the Marshall Islands Red Cross Society’s first annual General Assembly at Marshall Islands Resort at the end of June. The well-attended event voted in the organization’s first Governing Board, with Dr. Alex Pinano as President for a four-year term. Pinano has been interim president for a number […]
By Journal on July 6, 2017
Ashley Marques, Falai Taafaki, Giff Johnson, Ladie Jack, murder, Robert Marques
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON Police apprehended late last week a teenage suspect in the double murder in Laura two weekends ago. According to officials involved in the investigation, the 16-year-old suspect confessed to police, with his mother present during the interview with police. The suspect was released after 24 hours as required by the RMI Constitution in […]
By Journal on July 6, 2017
Dan Dolan, Hilda Heine, Jittak, John Silk, Karen Stewart, Rebecca Lathrop, Tommy Kijiner, USA
News Archive

A good time was had by all at the US Embassy’s July 4 party held at Jitak En Tuesday: Just the right amount of homage, just the right amount of lighthearted words, just the right amount of entertainment. The Embassy’s Political, Economic, and Consular Officer Dan Dolan emceed the well-attended event and also sang the […]
By Journal on June 30, 2017
Compact, Compact II, Compact of Free Association, Compact-funded, Susan Westin
Back In The Day

Journal 7/4/1975 P1 New salary plan passes The Congress of Micronesia Monday unanimously passed the new base salary schedule and sent it to the HiCom for action. Minimum wage under the new law will be 80 cents per hour. This is a 31 percent increase over the present 61 cents per hour wage minimum. P1 […]
By Journal on June 29, 2017
Chris Loeak, Ebeye, Fukushima, Hiroshi Watanabe, Isaac Marty, Iwaki City, Japan, Majuro, Mattlan Zackhras, PALM7, Shinzo Abe
Feature Articles

Japan Embassy Charge d’Affaires Hiroshi Watanabe on Friday handed over $2.7 million worth of disaster risk reduction equipment to the RMI government represented by Mattlan Zackhras, Minister in Assistance to the President. “We have the equipment but if we don’t bless and take care of them it’s no use,” said Zackhras at the handover ceremony. […]
By Journal on June 29, 2017
Anjojo Kabua, Ebeye, Franklin Roosevelt, Kwajalein, Ruth Douglas Currie, US Army Strategic Defense Command
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON A recently published book concerning Kwajalein and the Marshall Islands is a welcome addition to the sparse library of books about this region. The focus of the book — on Kwajalein’s central role in US strategic interests and planning in the Pacific since World War II — breaks new ground in the narrative […]
By Journal on June 29, 2017
basketball, Boki Hiram, FIBA Oceania, Lani Ackley, Leilani Ackley, Melu Wase
News Archive

ISAAC MARTY RMI boys and girls national basketball teams are breaking sweat and working out their game plans as they prep for the Under-17 FIBA Oceania Championship in Guam in July. Girls basketball coaches Lani Ackley and his mother Leilani Ackley have confidence in their team as they work through two-a-day practices. Leilani explained there […]
By Journal on June 29, 2017
Canvasback, Canvasback Missions, Helena Amsa Jack, Jacque Spence, Kimberly Browne, Robuti Jack, Sally Mellgren, Thomas Jack
News Archive

Hundreds of local residents received life-improving surgery and treatment from Canvasback Missions team of eye experts, who wrapped up a two-week visit to Majuro last Friday. But no result was more dramatic than that of six-year-old Robuti Jack, who has been blind since he was born six years ago. He is the son of Thomas […]
By Journal on June 23, 2017
family planning, over-population, population control
Back In The Day

Journal 6/20/1975 P2 No end The following is addressed to the management of the Wonder of L’Etao movie theater: I would like to express my chagrin at your dubious business practice June 16 of taking movie-goers’ money, and then announcing before the climax of the show that the final reel was missing. L’Etao, you’ve certainly […]
By Journal on June 23, 2017
Majuro Water and Sewer Company, MWSC, rain
Feature Articles

Majuro Water and Sewer Company performed a “rain dance” Thursday that proved highly successful. As water supplies have dwindled over the pasts six weeks, dropping from over 29 million gallons at the beginning of May to under 17 million gallons as of last week Thursday, MWSC announced Thursday it was further restricting city water hours. […]