By Journal on May 26, 2017
Danson Benjamin, Japan International Cooperation Agency, JICA, Junko Shindo, Wilmer Aikwij, Woja Elementary
Feature Articles

The very first library for Woja Elementary School (WES) is underway, thanks to 87 Japanese donors. Project coordinator Junko Shindo, former Japan International Cooperation Agency volunteer teacher for WES (July 2013 – August 2015), said a library is a must for every school. Books are on their way from Japan as well, she said. Shindo […]
By Journal on May 25, 2017
Angela Saunders, Jack Niedenthal, Jambo Arts, Kiran Datwani
News Archive

KIRAN DATWANI The Journal’s intern explored the 13th Jambo Arts Exhibition inside the Lomalo Room (MIR) Saturday: Jambo Arts has been a part of the Marshallese community as well as other nationalities for quite some time. It started back in 2010 at the RRE huts, but over the years it has changed its location from […]
By Journal on May 25, 2017
Beverly Johnson, Cathrine Cheng, Eulene Jatios, Fredrick Langmoir, Giff Johnson, Juren Jatios, Matiti Johnson, Michael Jun Cheng, Nishma Jamore, United World Colleges, UWC, Vicky Jamore
News Archive

Three Marshallese have graduated from United World Colleges (UWC) over the past week, making a record for the number of Marshallese graduating from the international school program in one year. — Vicky Jamore graduated Saturday from UWC’s College of the Atlantic in Wales, Britain. Her mother Juren Jatios was there for the graduation. Vicky’s father is […]
By Journal on May 25, 2017
Alison Birchall, Candida Kaious, Kathryn Relang, Weto in Mour
News Archive

Attempting to keep harmony within Marshallese communities is paramount, so the norm is for members of the group to not speak out about domestic violence against themselves or other women because it would break ‘the harmony’. For the folk at Weto in Mour, this is a huge contradiction, because how can harmony, a word that […]
By Journal on May 19, 2017
Continental, Continental Micronesia, Salome Andrike
Back In The Day

Journal 5/16/1975 P1 Money looks good for Enewetak clean up The United States will be providing $30 million in funds for the clean up of radiation damaged Enewetak Atoll, according to Iroij Joanes Peter, who returned from Washington recently. P14 Smokers clinic Smokers here who wish to stop may be interested in a five-day smoking […]
By Journal on May 19, 2017
Brenson Wase, Daniel DW Tang, Hilda Heine, John Silk, RMI, ROC-Taiwan donation
Feature Articles

Republic of China (Taiwan) Ambassador to the RMI Daniel DW Tang presented a check for $1,850,000 to President Hilda Heine, who thanked the ROC for its continued support towards the development of the RMI. Joining the handover ceremony were Ministers Brenson Wase and John Silk. The funding is part of the ROC (Taiwan) annual grant […]
By Journal on May 18, 2017
Arno, Bernard Chong Gum, Cassiano Jetnil, Hebel Luther, Hideyuki Mitsuoka, Ine, Japan Grassroots, Jejwarik Anton, Katwel Jormalu, Luciano Kalles, Mike Halferty, Wilbur Heine
News Archive

Japan Ambassador to the Marshall Islands Hideyuki Mitsuoka attended the handover ceremony for renovated classrooms and water cistern at Ine Elementary School in Arno Atoll last month. The ceremony was also attended by Minister of Education Wilbur Heine, Minister of Transportation and Communications Mike Halferty, Vice Speaker Jejwarik Anton, Irooj Katwel Jormalu, Mayor Bernard Chong […]
By Journal on May 18, 2017
Hilary Hosia, Kanchi Hosia, Marshall Islands High School, MIHS, prom, Rubitha Alik
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA Hundreds of teenagers attending Saturday’s Marshall Islands High School prom were without official chaperones as they partied into the night. Many parents said the complete lack of MIHS staff made the event “illegal” and “not safe.” The Public School System’s Assistant Commissioner Kanchi Hosia said, “it is my understanding that at least some […]
By Journal on May 18, 2017
Batmon, Ben Wakefield, Jack Niedenthal, Jambo Arts, Lomalo Room, Marshall Islands Resort, Marshallese Be Like, Microwave Films, Vivian Niedenthal
News Archive

The world premiere of “Marshallese Be Like” will be held at this Saturday’s Jambo Arts festival in the Lomalo Room at the MIR. The film will show at 8 PM and stars Ben Wakefield, who played Batmon in the latest from Microwave Films, Batmon vs Majuro, and Vivian Niedenthal, who helped direct and also acted […]
By Journal on May 12, 2017
Greg Symons, RMI passports
Back In The Day

Journal 5/19/1975 P1 Ebeye police train The Ebeye Police Department recently completed a Police Training Academy in which 32 officers received special training under the direction of Larry Bunch, an employee of the Range Operations Coordination Division of Kwajalein Missile Range. The program was set up and coordinated by Bunch and Sato Maie, Chief of […]